A Treasure and a Challenge

a comprehensive update from WildLand's raptor monitoring initiative


Golden eagles, hen harriers, goshawk...they are, undoubtably, some of our country's greatest natural treasures. Here at WildLand Cairngorms, and indeed the greater Cairngorms Connect area, we take pride in offering these wonderful birds a safe and regenerating home. Ours is a landscape full of hope for cherished raptors and all other species! 

Within this comprehensive StoryMap you will find up-to-date and transparent information on our raptor tagging and monitoring initiative. We hope that such a project and sharing information in this way will enhance the protection of these vulnerable birds in the face of climate and biodiversity crises, as well as promoting understanding of their habitat requirements with sympathetic land management badly needed in the face of such challenges. 

Through this work, WildLand is focusing attention on safeguarding our birds and their vital habitat.

A photo to set the scene - golden eagle twins fitted with tags against the back drop of WildLand Cairngorms.

Hen Harrier

Since 2019, under our own initiative, WildLand have tagged 19 hen harriers. This number represents only a proportion of the young harriers which have successfully fledged from WildLand properties. Here at WildLand, we are proud to have such numbers of successfully breeding harriers and consider them to be a valuable asset, both for the wider regenerating ecosystem and our own nature based business solutions.

In addition to tagging, annual monitoring of hen harriers is a fundamental part of our ongoing work at WildLand. During 2022 and 2023 we recorded 100% survival rate for our harrier nests. 2023 was an unprecedented season with 11 successful nests fledging an estimated 40 chicks. The graph below highlights the resurgence of hen harriers at WildLand Cairngorms. Numbers dropped during 2024 and this is likely due to a very low vole year, part of their natural cycle. 

WildLand hen harrier breeding 2018 - 2024.

Below you will find a more comprehensive update on our tagged hen harriers. 

Our detailed monitoring of hen harriers begins in early April. This is when most of our hen harriers return to their breeding grounds.

We make careful observations of the birds across much of their suitable habitat. Hen harriers are often the focus of such monitoring. However, at WildLand, we take pride in our own 'boots on the ground' monitoring programme. We consider ourselves to have a holistic approach to our annual monitoring which includes the habitat as well as the wildlife which call our WildLand properties home. 

Hen harriers are charismatic birds. They are compelling and delicate birds perfectly suited to life in the northern hemisphere. Capable of traveling long distances with ease as well as utilising a range of habitats makes them an adaptable predator.

"Years ago, I recall watching a roost site on the great prairies of Montana, we estimated seeing 175 birds all gathering together at dusk to roost. A great spectacle! Perhaps one day Scotland can play host to such a natural wonder."  Ronan Dugan, WildLand Limited

Perhaps, it's also worth considering the hen harrier situation in some of the Scottish Isles such as Orkney or the Uists where the birds are more abundant. Here the birds appear to have fewer challenges and are commonly seen close to human activity. Perhaps, one day much of the Highlands or at least our National Parks can replicate this.

In Scotland most of our hen harriers nest on open moors. Here at WildLand, we observe them most frequently nesting on our regenerating native moorland. This is encouraging as we will have ample and more resilient habitat for them in the future.

Perhaps, conditions on WildLand will continue to improve in the absence of intensive pressures as this will benefit our small mammal and bird populations which the harriers rely on during their breeding season. As we monitor the predators, we also believe it is crucial to monitor their prey. We have various studies in place. The Cairngorms Connect Predator Prey study is one example. It is also worthy of note that there is currently no predator control being undertaken across WildLand and this has been the case since around 2019.

At WildLand Cairngorms our harriers begin to nest at the end of April.

After a busy period of sky dancing and nest building the female harrier will lay her eggs. Hen harriers can lay between 3 and 7 eggs and have an incubation period of 29 - 31 days. Usually our nests are located in heather dominated areas. However, in this photo a male harrier appears from a nest within an area of regenerating bog myrtle, more typical of a harrier nest site on the west coast. 

Here a brood of three hen harrier chicks can be seen at their nest. A large prey item can also be seen on the nest, this is likely a red grouse.

During our monitoring efforts, we strive to only visit the nest once the eggs have hatched. There is a possibility that visiting ground nesting birds such as hen harriers could lead to unnecessary stress and disturbance. Ideally, all monitoring would be done from a distance. However, when tagging chicks, we must visit the nest to determine the age of the chick(s) so we can tag them at the optimum age. When studying such species there is always a compromise. Here the compromise lies in our wish to fit tags to gain a better understanding of their movements, threats and requirements to assist their longterm productivity.

Tagging is done when the chicks are around three - four weeks old. 

Here the team fit GSM tags to two young female harriers.

At WildLand, in the future we will only fit tags to female hen harriers as they have a larger body mass (like most birds of prey) and are therefore more capable of carrying a tag which weighs 10g. 

In raptors the size difference between males and females is known as 'reversed sexual size dimorphism'!

Here a young harrier is fitted with a 10g solar powered tag.

Our tags, which are designed and built in Lithuania, run via the mobile phone network. When in 4G signal we are able to alter the settings as and when needed, to maximise the batteries efficiency.

During the summer of 2021 we tagged a total of eight harriers from four nests. 

Short-eared owl chicks

While undertaking our hen harrier monitoring we also documented our first pair of short-eared owls breeding successfully on WildLand in 2023!

Below you will find a few maps of the harriers' movements.

You may wish to view our previous StoryMap of WildLand hen harriers 1, 2 and 3  here .

You can also view our previous StoryMap of WildLand hen harriers 4 - 11  here .

Here you find a map showing the movements of hen harrier 4 and 5. Please use the map to zoom in and explore where these young birds have travelled.

These two young female harriers were tagged in Glen Tromie on 15/06/2020.

In early spring 2021 we eagerly anticipated their movements as harriers are capable of breeding in their first year. We watched the data carefully and they both attempted to breed on Atholl Estate, a short distance to the south of WildLand Cairngorms. From the data and some observations on the ground from Raptor Study Group members we believe they both found a mate, laid eggs and initiated incubation. However, it is likely that the heavy and unseasonably late snow we had in May 2021 made them abandon their nests and move to more snow free areas.

After their first breeding attempts both HH 4 and 5 appeared to breed again in 2022, however they remained out of signal so we did not receive any robust data. Our last signal from both birds was in 2023.

Wildland Hen Harrier 9 was tagged on 19/06/2020 in Glen Tromie, within WildLand Cairngorms. This young male harrier spent much of his first year in the northern Cairngorms National Park.

During the winter of 2020/2021 we lost signal from WildLand Hen Harrier 9 near the town of Callander on the edge of Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park. We presumed that was the last we would hear and the battery power had remained low. However, during some bright sunny days in late April the tag started to transmit from a field near Callander. The carcass of the bird was recovered along with the tag. No suspicious circumstances were suspected. 

WildLand Hen Harrier 10 is a female. She was tagged in GlenTromie on 22/06/2020. She was one of three chicks to fledge from this brood, her brother being WildLand Hen Harrier 11.

During the latter part of 2020 and into 2021 she spent most of her time in Strathspey, often roosting on RSPB's Insh Marshes Nature Reserve. From here she made daily trips into the Monadhliath Mountains to the north and Cairngorms to the south. We admired the toughness of this young harrier as she endured the prolonged winter weather here in Strathspey. From time to time she did embark on wider travels.

As spring came around we watched eagerly as she returned to WildLand Cairngorms to breed in her first year. She paired with an adult male and fledged three male chicks. One of these chicks was tagged and is WildLand Hen Harrier 19.

She also bred successfully in a similar location in 2022, 2023 and again this year in 2024!

WildLand HH 10 close to her nest.

The nest site of WildLand HH 10.

Of the eight young harriers to be tagged in 2021, perhaps WildLand Hen Harrier 16 is the most interesting.

This young female harrier was tagged in Glen Tromie on 20/06/2021.

She fledged shortly after this date and spent a short while in her natal area before making a long fight to the north west! We suspect she was assisted but the fine weather we had in much of July.

Since traveling widely throughout the Highlands this young harrier's final location was from a traditionally managed area of land in the Angus Glens on 05/10/2021.

In summary for our hen harriers, we have tagged 19 individuals since 2019. Of these 19 young birds, only 1 might still be alive. 

After our efforts to assist in the protection of these birds at a national scale, we now realise our efforts are better concentrated on the land of which WildLand are custodians. We believe, providing a safe and regenerating refuge for these birds is perhaps the best way to bolster their national population.

We will continue to monitor our tagged birds and breeding population at WildLand Cairngorms closely and will strive to communicate our findings where we can. 

Golden Eagle

Golden eagles continue to be a common sight on WildLand properties. In 2021 we were delighted to have four breeding pairs on WildLand Cairngorms. In 2022 and 2023 this now appears to have increased to seven territorial pairs.

However, we have not tagged any new eagles since 2020. This is mainly due to our eagles largely remaining safe. Below is an overview of all our golden eagles's movements then we look at a couple of individuals who are unfortunately not with us anymore. 

You may wish to view our previous StoryMap highlighting some of our golden eagles' movements  here .

Here you can find the full movements of WildLand Golden Eagle 1. This young female eagle was tagged on 27/06/2019 in Glenfeshie weighing 4.6kg.

Please use the map to explore the places this young eagle visited.

However, in early May 2021 we received some news from her tag... please read on.

In early May 2021, we received signal from WildLand Golden Eagle 1. 

The signal we received from Highland Perthshire was not normal however. WildLand receives notification if the tag remains in an unusual orientation, for example if the tag is upside down. This was the case in this situation. We could see the location was coming from some isolated trees so we suspected the tag had come off or the bird had died at a roost site. 

We acted swiftly and went to investigate and thankfully the tag was found but the bird had survived. The young eagle had found a weakness in the harness and managed to pull it apart.

WildLand Golden Eagle 3 was also tagged in 2019 at Gaick on WildLand Cairngorms. This male eagle was tagged on 03/07/2019.

We monitored his movements without concern until early March 2021. On 05/03/2021 we received our last transmission in the central Cairngorms National Park. At this time the battery was at 91%. 

Around this time, we, at WildLand Cairngorms observed large amounts of snow mobile traffic (perhaps used to persecute foxes) on land adjacent to ours. This technique of using snow mobiles to control other important predators such as foxes, and the welfare concerns associated with it, should perhaps be added to the licensing of grouse moors or banned within our national parks. It was also around this time a golden eagle was found poisoned on Invercauld Estate so we wonder if there was a wider movement to target predators - both avian and mammal - when the conditions were optimal for wide and swift travel by snow mobile. 

We now share the story of WildLand Golden Eagle 7 which was tagged at Gaick on 02/07/2020. From our detailed measurements we are certain this eagle is a female.

We were able to track the movements of this bird until 16/03/2022. The last signal we received was in mountainous country in the east of the Cairngorms. We did not hear anything until very recently...please read on!

Here is a photo of the magnificent young WildLand Golden Eagle 7 taken on a trail camera at a roosting site in the eastern Cairngorms. The eagle can clearly be identified by the numbered ring on its left leg. Of note, the trail camera was set up by the individual who tagged this bird. We were all delighted to know the bird is still doing well!

WildLand Golden Eagle 7

It is clear to see in this photo that the eagle has shed its tag and this is why we lost signal from this bird on 16/03/2022. The tag harness is designed to come off after a period of time so we are content to witness this has been the case with this young eagle. 

Although, perhaps this young eagle has not chosen the safest of homes...

This young eagle, along with its mate, has decided to build a nest in these rather beautiful old Scot's pine trees on the left of this remote glen. This location certainly seems like a wonderful place, ideally suited in habitat and topography for breeding golden eagles.

However, as you can see from this photo, taken on 15/04/2023, by a Raptor Study Group member, muirburn is taking place close to the nest. Infact, muirburn was recorded within 150m of the active nest! These actions likely prevented the eagles from breeding successfully last year.

As a result of monitoring this young eagle, and the land management actions witnessed, WildLand, as a land owner, are fully supporting the Scottish Government's proposals to license muirburn and grouse moors. While many landowners are encouraging species and habitat recovery on their land, WildLand believe, such a licensing scheme will help to further protect young golden eagles such as WildLand Golden Eagle 7 and other cherished species and habitats.

Here you can view the movements of WildLand Golden Eagle 9.

After being tagged at Gaick Estate, within WildLand Cairngorms, on 01/07/2020 this young eagle has traveled widely across the Highlands and some of the islands.

Please see the map below for a more detailed view of it's recent movements.

Here are the detailed recordings for WildLand Golden Eagle during 2023 and early 2024. It appears this young eagle, a female, may have established a territory in the north west, spending some of its time on Handa Island.

Once golden eagles are 3-4 years old, it is possible they will become territorial and can even breed. This young eagle is no exception! WildLand are delighted to share that this eagle has bred successfully at 4 years old and has a very healthy chick in the far north west of Scotland. 

The young of golden eagle 9 in the north west Highlands.

Below you will find a map showcasing the movements of our remaining golden eagles. Please be aware there is a large amount of data within this interactive map. Please click on each flight line to select and deselect our different eagles. Isn't it wonderful how these young golden eagles are traveling the length and breadth of the Highlands and some of the Inner Hebrides!

For info, two of these eagles were tagged on WildLand Braeroy in Lochaber and the others were tagged on WildLand Cairngorms.

Golden Eagle overview map

We will continue to monitor our golden eagles closely and look forward to sharing more stories with you in due course.   


An elusive predator of the forest and once persecuted to extinction in the UK, goshawk are now returning to our forests. 2021 saw two pairs breed successfully on WildLand for the first time!

With native woodland expanding here in the Cairngorms it's an exciting time for goshawk. We look forward to monitoring them and their prey in the future as well as sharing what we learn. 

Below we share our story of tagging goshawk. However, and unfortunately, all three of our cherished birds did not survive long after fledging. 

Goshawk are birds of the forest. Our apex avian predator in the woodland environment. A predator perfectly suited to hunting at speed through the trees as well as mastering the wind while in more open environments. It's haunting call will send shivers down your spine. A truly wild spectacle in all forms.

 We are grateful to have goshawk back breeding in our forests.

Goshawk usually nest in conifer forests. Here is one of our nests within an area of Scot's pine plantation on WildLand Cairngorms.

In 2021 we located two nests, both new pairs recently established in the area. 

In 2022 and 2023 we have recorded just one pair breeding. Below is an account of tagging the three goshawk chicks in 2021.

The nests were accessed once the chicks had hatched to obtain the necessary information for our future tagging visit.

Here three young goshawk are approximately two weeks old.

Only two of these chicks survived to fledge. Siblicide is relatively common in raptors where the youngest and usually the smaller chick is killed by it's bigger and slightly older siblings. Food supply and provisioning plays a big role in the development of the chicks and can influence such siblicide. 

Skilled and qualified climbers were used to access the nest and lower the chicks down for tagging.

Here are two young goshawk about a month old. They are both fitted with GSM solar powered tags of 20g and 25g, the heavier tag going on the slightly larger female chick. The red colour rings on their legs have engraved letters which will allow us or others to identify them by sight or on camera traps in the future.

However, not all stories have a happy ending.

We tagged our third goshawk, a single female chick on 01/07/2021.

We received some data to say the bird had likely fledged successfully. However, around 15/07/2021 we became concerned the young hawk had stopped moving. On 28/07/2021 we recovered the tag which had been chewed by a mammal. No sign of the carcass was found. 

We are unable to determine the cause of death for this young goshawk, however, it is possible that this youngster did not survive due to lack of food or predation by another raptor. When rearing chicks in their first year it is relatively common that raptors will loose, or not fledge their young successfully.

Here are the movements of goshawk 1 and 2 between late Summer 2021 and Spring 2022.

Goshawk 1 was last recorded on 20/03/2023 in an area to the north of Tomatin. Goshawk 2, after traveling quite widely, was last recorded on 08/04/2022 in an area to the north of Grantown-on-Spey.

To conclude our goshawk episode, we are delighted to have these birds back in our woodlands and open spaces, adding to the important predator prey balance in a rapidly regenerating large scale conservation area. 

We look forward to sharing future stories with  you about our goshawk and we hope this may help to conserve them as they travel further afield.

South Scotland Golden Eagle Project

Golden eagles were once widespread throughout southern Scotland and indeed south of the border in England. However, now only two breeding pairs remain in the south of Scotland. With little breeding success and little movement between the main Scottish population of eagles it is now necessary to reinforce the southern population with young eagles from the Highlands.

In 2021, WildLand Cairngorms donated a single golden eagle chick to the project. Below is an outline of the collection. We have been reassured the chick is doing well in its new home in the south of Scotland. We truly hope it will have a long and productive life.

In the spring we identified one of our pairs of golden eagles within WildLand Cairngorms to have two chicks. If golden eagles are to be translocated to the south of Scotland they must be from a nest of two chicks. 

In late June, along with project staff from the south of Scotland we collected one of the eagle chicks from the nest on Wildland Cairngorms. A careful process was undertaken with trained personnel and a vet on site.  

Blood and DNA samples were collected.

The young eagle was carefully chosen for its age and sex. It was immediately paired with another young eagle in its new home in the South of Scotland. The eagle had a full crop at the time of collection.

The young eagle waiting to be safely transported.

A careful transportation of the young eagle was undertaken to get it safely to the roadside. 

The project team and young eagle traverse a hillside within WildLand Cairngorms.

The project team remarked at how wonderful it was to spend time in a regenerating landscape in the absence of sheep and (largely) deer. 

A northern egger moth encountered en route.

The young eagle was safely transferred into another crate for safe transportation to its new home in the South of Scotland.

The remaining young eagle was returned safely to its nest. This particular pair of golden eagles within WildLand Cairngorms have been very productive in recent years - they have hatched twins for four consecutive years. While we believe it may be a loss to us here at WildLand, however, the donation of this young eagle to the South of Scotland Project and the wider collaboration it has brought has been very beneficial. We look forward to hearing how this young bird fairs.

If you look closely at this photo there's an interesting observation to be made - you can see the eagle's right eye is a different colour. This is due to the eagle's nictitating membrane! The nictitating membrane acts as a third transparent eyelid that raptors and some animals have to protect their eyes. This membrane opens and closes to moisten the eye without them losing vision. Perfect for a predator such as an eagle!

Here is a more recent photo of the young eagle in her new home. In time she will be released into the wild in the south of Scotland and we look forward to receiving further updates.

Thank you to the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project team for their collaboration on this project.

A missed opportunity?

After our successful tagging efforts last year and the launch of our public tracking app, Animal Tracker (see below), we were contacted by the Scottish Gamekeepers Association (SGA) and the Tayside and Central Scotland Moorland Group (TSCMG). We at WildLand remained open to their proposal, and in time became excited by the prospect of working together on such a project outside of WildLand property. 

The proposal itself was straight forward - to tag a golden eagle chick in Perthshire and make the data open and transparent via the Animal Tracker app. However, when working in (new) partnerships in the conservation world things are rarely as simple as they first appear. This situation was no exception! 

The nest site of the golden eagle in Perthshire.

WildLand took time to explore all options and spoke to the right people, however, it was not possible in the end. However, we at WildLand believe, in the face of climate and biodiversity crises we must grasp every opportunity to work together and strive to move forward together. The licensing and tag fitting permits were also difficult and made challenging for us to negotiate. However, perhaps we can pursue this collaboration again in the future. 

While tagging one golden eagle is not crucially important for conservation, perhaps it was a missed opportunity to strengthen our alliances and share the WildLand vision with others further afield. We thank the estate for their time and patience and for those who helped to initiate the project. We hope to assist stronger in the future.   

Animal Tracker App

Approximately four years ago, WildLand began sharing its tagging data publicly via the Animal Tracker App. This allows anyone to download the app and follow the movements of some of our birds in near real time. Please note that WildLand stopped sharing data to the Animal Tracker App in 2023 due to many of the tags becoming inactive. 

The app can be downloaded on the App Store free of charge.

Our movement to make data open and transparent has been widely received as a positive and progressive step to help with the wider picture to assist in the protection of these birds. The app has featured in the press and on BBC Scotland's Landward. We continue to look at ways to better communicate this data via the app. 


Here at WildLand, and indeed the greater Cairngorms Connect partnership area, we are very fortunate to focus our efforts into the landscape scale restoration of the land. It is truly wonderful to witness and document the resurgence of species such as the hen harrier. We feel projects such as our tagging initiative complement the restoration work we are undertaking on our land. We will endeavour to continue our efforts in giving our cherished wildlife the best home we can. In addition we hope our tags and transparent communications will keep our birds safe as they travel further afield.

WildLand would like to thank all those who have assisted in this project - kind volunteers, external collaborators and our own staff on the ground. 

We thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you have any comments or questions please contact: conservation@wildland.scot

WildLand Cairngorms

WildLand Limited

A photo to set the scene - golden eagle twins fitted with tags against the back drop of WildLand Cairngorms.

WildLand hen harrier breeding 2018 - 2024.

The nest site of the golden eagle in Perthshire.

Short-eared owl chicks

WildLand HH 10 close to her nest.

The nest site of WildLand HH 10.

WildLand Golden Eagle 7

The young of golden eagle 9 in the north west Highlands.

Blood and DNA samples were collected.

The young eagle waiting to be safely transported.

A northern egger moth encountered en route.