Off-site Levy funded capital infrastructure projects

Cityscape from the east


Strategic growth is how we plan to accommodate growth in our city. It helps us build complete communities for residents and maximizes the use of our financial resources. When growth happens, new infrastructure is needed to support communities, which creates additional costs for The City. Off-site levies are used to fund and recover costs associated with growth infrastructure required to enable development and complete communities. Some capital infrastructure funded through the off-site levy include:

  • Water distribution, wastewater and sewage pipes, drainage systems and treatment plants.
  • Interchanges, skeletal roads, road connections, and other transportation needs.
  • Emergency response stations, police district offices, public libraries, and recreation centres.

The map supplements the information provided in the  Off-site Levy Annual Reports . The map shows the locations of levy funded infrastructure for Community Services, Water, and Transportation infrastructure types in the active and early construction phases as at December 31, 2022. The information provided on the maps, will be updated annually.

Additional Resources

The Municipal Government Act permits municipalities to charge off-site levies through a bylaw. The Off-site Levies Bylaw (2M2016) was approved by Council in 2016. The bylaw allows the cost of infrastructure for development to be shared, providing financial certainty and reduced risk to the development industry. More information and resources on the Off-site Levies Bylaw can be found  here . 2013-1503 _MG_9608_47199 2013-1503 _MG_9608_47199

Annual Reports

The  Off-site Levy Annual Reports  provide information on levies collected and spent, along with any remaining balances available for future capital projects. You can access the annual reports through the links below: 2017-1507_IMG_3005_71378   2017-1507_IMG_3005_71378

Community Services

The levies are used to fund the cost of infrastructure and facilities that support growth in new communities. Financial numbers stated in the map are updated annually.

Off-site levy funded capital projects | Community Services

Water Services

Levies collected through the water, wastewater and stormwater components of the bylaw support projects in the Water capital spending plan. Financial numbers stated in the map are updated annually.

Off-site levy funded capital projects | Water, Storm & Sanitary Services

Transportation Services

The transportation component of the levy includes capital projects identified in the Calgary Transportation Plan. Financial numbers stated in the map are updated annually.

Off-site levy funded capital projects | Transportation Services


The projects identified in the maps are general location for infrastructure and facilities. The City of Calgary provides this information in good faith, but it provides no warranty, nor accepts any liability arising from any incorrect, incomplete, or misleading information or its use. No representation is made that a particular site for City investment, as indicated on this map, will be made. Site specific assessment must be considered before any City investment and delivery decisions are made. This information may be updated by The City on a regular basis or as changes occur. The maps on the website reflect the information of the Annual Off-site Levy Report 2022, and that the annual report is the true source.  This product follows the City of Calgary website terms of use, which can be viewed  here 

 The data is provided on an "as is" basis. The City of Calgary does not accept any liability for the accuracy of this information. Any losses incurred by decisions made based upon the information in this dataset are not the responsibility of The City of Calgary. Subject to The City of Calgary Open Data Terms of Use at . This product follows the City of Calgary website  terms of use 

©The City of Calgary 2023