Mill Creek Basin


The Mill Creek, once named the most endangered urban stream in America by  American Rivers , is on its way toward recovery. A few hundred years ago, prior to population growth and development in Cincinnati, there were over 300 miles of creeks and streams in the Lower Mill Creek watershed. These waterways naturally conveyed rainwater from hilltops, down hillsides, and through valleys to the Mill Creek and, eventually, to the Ohio River. As Cincinnati grew, these natural systems were replaced with roads, buildings, and sewer networks. Streams that once followed the natural landscape were directed into over 600 miles of sewer pipes.

Use the slider on the image below to see how the historic landscape differs from what exists today.

Comparison of historical and existing streams

Over the years, industrial pollution and overflows from the combined sewer system destroyed nearly all of Mill Creek’s ecological integrity. However, in recent years, significant strides have been made towards restoring the Mill Creek. This section highlights the monitoring data used to assess the health of the Mill Creek and some of the major initiatives that are contributing to improved water quality.

Stream Condition

Calculations of impairment and attainment of a biological criterion provide quantitative depictions of water quality. In Mill Creek, the results indicate aquatic life conditions have been improving.

These results were published in the  Biological and Water Quality Study of Mill Creek 2021  and are further described in this section.

The plots on the right are used to summarize the extent and magnitude of biological impairment or attainment of Clean Water Act goals along the entire length of the mainstem of Mill Creek by year.  The zero lines represents the goal (shown in blue).  The plots represent two fish measures (IBI, MIwb), the macroinvertebrate measure (ICI), and the overall stream health goal attainment measure.

The Area of Attainment Value (AAV) is calculated as a positive and depicts the extent of criterion achievement. The more area in the top section of the plots (shown in green), the more (full) attainment achieved in Mill Creek.

The Area of Degradation Value (ADV) is calculated as a negative and depicts the extent of impairment (both partial and non-attainment).  The more area in the bottom section of the plots (shown in red), the more degradation in the Mill Creek.

Macroinvertebrates are the leading indicator of stream water quality improvement. Macroinvertebrate health are measured using the Invertebrate Community Index (ICI). The improvement since 1992 is shown in the figure below, in which the more area above zero (solid purple), the better the macroinvertebrate community.

IBI is the primary metric for evaluating fish. Improvements in fish community follow, but lag behind the improvement in macroinvertebrate community.

MIwb is a secondary metric for evaluating fish. Improvements also lag behind the macroinvertebrate community.

Overall, the Mill Creek has seen an increase in the number of stream miles attaining biological criteria for aquatic life.

Monitoring Data

Results for ICI, IBI, MIwb, and QHEI by sampling location can be reviewed by clicking on a trend sampling location in the map to the right. An example results graphic is shown below for MC70 IBI.


In northern latitudes, chloride has been identified as an emerging problem for aquatic life, largely related to road salt application in developed areas, but some industrial sources in effluents can also contribute. Unfortunately, road salt applied during winter is not exported completely out of a watershed each year and accumulates in soils and shallow groundwater.  Because of this chloride levels have been gradually increasing in most developed areas in Ohio. The plot below illustrates a source of chlorides from effluents in the upper part of Mill Creek, but also the increasing general trend in chlorides in the watershed between 1992 and more recent samples.

E. coli

E. coli data is a widely used indicator for fecal contamination in streams and rivers. To protect against gastrointestinal illness when swimming, E. coli measurements in freshwater should not exceed 126 MPN (“most probable number” of bacteria). E. coli, as measured, is generally not a direct health risk, but rather is used as an “indicator” to monitor the presence of more harmful microbes, such as Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Shigella, and norovirus. These microbes are more difficult to measure directly and E. coli can be useful, in a management perspective, to identify sources of contamination.

Featured Projects

MSD is continually seeking to make improvements to its treatment plants and sewer networks. This map shows the location of past and future projects in the Mill Creek.

Some MSD projects are implemented to reduce overflows and improve water quality in the Mill Creek Basin. A few key projects are highlighted in the section below.

Click on the arrows to learn more about each of the projects.

Lick Run Greenway

On the surface, the Lick Run Greenway looks like a park with a stream running through it, but it’s also a stormwater management project that helps mitigate sewer overflows into the Mill Creek.

Each year, the Lick Run Greenway eliminates about 800 million gallons of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) into the Mill Creek from the CSO 5 outfall. CSO 5 is the largest overflow (by volume) in MSD’s service area.

The Lick Run Greenway - in combination with storm sewers, bioswales, and restored stream channels - collects rainwater from across the Lick Run watershed and carries it directly to the Mill Creek. This keeps it from mixing with sewage in the combined sewer system and causing sewer overflows.

The Lick Run watershed covers about 2,900 acres and includes South Fairmount and portions of East Price Hill, West Price Hill and Westwood. The Lick Run Greenway is helping improve water quality in the Mill Creek and is also providing opportunities for neighborhood revitalization in South Fairmount.

Heritage Trail

There many ways to explore Lick Run. For a walking tour, explore the map on the right or go to the  Lick Run Heritage Trail website .

Flyover Video

View a video of the Lick Run Greenway during a drone flyover in October 2021.

YouTube Video

Cooper Creek Restoration

The Cooper Creek Demonstration Watershed is one square mile of densely developed area where focused and sustained efforts are being put towards achieving in-stream hydrologic benefits. The Demonstration area is seen as a starting point for learning about, and gaining experience with attaining objectives that can eventually be applied to other manageably sized areas.

With its location at the very top of the Cooper Creek Watershed, the restoration activities implemented in the Demonstration Watershed will benefit the entire creek, all the way down to where it flows to the Mill Creek. The Cooper Creek Collaborative is implementing several restoration initiatives.

Storm Basin Retrofits

In the Cooper Creek Watershed, large portions of the most densely developed areas drain through detention basins. Design regulations have typically focused on mitigating floods rather than dampening erosive flows in local streams. The Collaborative’s goal is for the detention basins to serve both functions. By collaborating with local business owners, the Collaborative hopes to retrofit detention basins so that runoff is released more slowly during storms that do not result in flooding. This will help prevent erosion and preserve aquatic wildlife habitat.

Green Infrastructure

In early 2020, a rain garden was installed at Deer Park High School. This rain garden not only reduces the impact of the school’s footprint on Cooper Creek, but also serves as an educational tool for students to learn about hydrology, ecology, and how human activities can impact our local environment. Through work with local property owners, the Collaborative plans to implement other green infrastructure practices within the watershed, such as permeable pavers, bioretention, rainwater harvesting, and green roofs.

Tree Canopy Restoration

The Cooper Creek Collaborative has given away 340 ​​trees to be planted by residents and local parks within the Demonstration Watershed.​ Among the trees planted, there were 17 different species of large size trees that will provide maximum storm water runoff reductions upon maturity, increased biodiversity, and a variety of other community and environmental benefits.

Log Structure Restoration

By the end of 2027, the Collaborative endeavors to restore wood along nearly 10,000 feet of Cooper Creek. A demonstration project within Bechtold Park (and two additional downstream parcels) has already been completed. The wood structure installations serve as critical components of stream ecosystems by providing carbon (food supply) and habitat. The structures also absorb high water flows that can lead to erosion and induce deep pool habitat that support fish populations during dry periods.

Tour the Cooper Creek Demonstration Watershed (outlined in red on the map). And to learn even more about the Cooper Creek Collaborative and their current initiatives, visit 

Advanced Wet Weather Treatment

MSD recently expanded and up-graded its satellite storage and treatment facility along the East Brach of the Mill Creek in Reading

The facility, originally constructed in 2008, provides storage and rapid treatment of high flows collected from the East Branch sub-basin in order to reduce the overflows to the Mill Creek from outfall #700 (SSO-700).

A comprehensive hydraulic and water quality sampling effort characterized the in-stream conditions and supported the development of models that showed the facility had reduced bacteria levels in the Mill Creek by 70%, and that more could be accomplished.

As a result, storage was expanded, and additional disinfection treatments was added to the facility.

Combined with operational changes and leveraging MSD's Smart Sewer network, sanitary sewer overflows at outfall #700 have been virtually eliminated in all but the largest storms.

Smart Sewer & Coordinated Control of Wet Weather

MSD is a national leader in the implementation of Smart Sewer innovations, and the use of Smart Sewer tools to reduce wet weather overflows. MSD has implemented a Wet Weather Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (WW SCADA) system that ties more than 600 real-time sensors and controls together to optimize the benefits that MSD gets from each of its existing sewer assets.

It is typical during precipitation events to have rain falling in parts of MSD’s territory while no rain is falling in other locations, or to receive heavy rains in certain locations and minimal rainfall in others. In the past, some portions of MSDs system would be beyond maximum capacity and overflowing while storage and conveyance capabilities in other parts of the system were not fully utilized.

With Smart Sewers, MSD knows in real time how much demand is being placed on each component of its system, and real time controls governed by automated decision matrices are used to maximize the system’s response to each unique storm’s challenges. MSD is now capturing 33% more flow at its wet weather facilities.

The best part is that operational optimization is very inexpensive compared to other options. While it typically costs about $1.00/gallon to build new wastewater treatment capacity, $0.40/gallon to build new wastewater storage capacity, and about $0.23/gallon to build separation projects, it cost MSD only $0.01/gallon to optimize its existing system by implementing a WW SCADA system.

Low-Head Dam Mitigation

A low-head dam is generally a concrete structure constructed across the width of a river or stream. These dams normally produce vertical water surface drops of 1 to 15 feet.

MSD, in partnership with the Cincinnati's Office of Environment & Sustainability (OES) and the Mill Creek Alliance, mitigated two low-head dams on the Mill Creek in fall 2017.  These dams were originally created to protect sewer pipe crossings. Two other low-head dams were previously mitigated along the Mill Creek and several more remain along the Mill Creek.

Low-head dams alter natural habitat and impair a stream’s ability to support a functional ecosystem. Adverse effects of low-head dams include the following:

  • Blockage of upstream movement of fish and other species, impacting their reproductive cycle.
  • Impairment of water quality by creating conditions favorable to algal growth, trapping sediment and nutrients, and depleting oxygen in the water
  • Creation of recreational hazards by impeding safe navigation on waterways

To mitigate the low-head dams, rock riffles were constructed downstream of each low-head dam to raise the water level and submerge the dam during most flow conditions. In addition, boulders were placed on the downslope side of the riffle area to introduce additional habitat patches and serve as a fish ladder of sorts, allowing fish to hide, or rest, while swimming upstream, over the riffle.

Use the slider to see before and after photos of the Salway Park Low-Head Dam Mitigation Project.

Comparison of historical and existing streams