Youth in Restoration
Youth Conservation Education & Career Mentorship Program

The Youth in Restoration program offers expanded education and job mentoring opportunities to high school students in conservation and resource management. This program provides a creative and cost-effective solution for accomplishing a portion of the participating organizations' land management work while exposing the crew to the resources needed to maintain our landscapes. YIR strengthens working relationships with other agencies and organizations that diligently work to protect and restore land affected by noxious weeds and recreational use.

The Nature Conservancy - Primm Meadow

Building confidence, exposure to new experiences, making friends, and renewing partnerships are among the many benefits to the Youth in Restoration program.
Check out our partners and a few of the project areas the YIR crew have been.
YIR - Partner Map
Camping is another perk of working for the YIR program
Since 2013, the Youth in Restoration Program has operated on soft dollar funding through partner contributions, grant funding, and in-kind work from the Missoula County Weed District.
This program offers exposure to possible careers in natural resources and is typically the first job for these high school students. Many learn valuable experience in working as a team to problem-solve, a skill that is necessary as the venture past high school.
To qualify for the position; students must be 14 years old and have completed their freshman year of high school, be able to independently (bus/parent/bike/walk) get to the office daily by an arranged time, enjoy working outdoors in variable weather and terrain conditions, and have a positive attitude. Some projects require camping overnight, no experience necessary but one must be willing to do so.
Applications for the position are available by contacting Steffany @ 258-4211 or emailing srogge@missoulacounty.us