Further Analysis

Task Time Distribution Analysis

This graph displays the average time per task across all the submissions through the Survey123. All of the data was filtered and reduced down to more than half of the 154 submissions to 66 submissions. The averages for all of the tasks were taken from these 66 submissions. The significance of these times are explained in detail in the following graphs as well as the business paper paired with this project.

Main Range Analysis

The most frequent task here is Range Close. This makes sense because every night Main Range needs to be broken down and balls put away, otherwise guests will be here all night and create a larger workload for employees. The least frequent tasks are Clean Picking and Deep Cleaning the range. This falls into the common schedule. Deep Cleaning the range is something that is usually encouraged when there is ample down time because it is a very long task. Clean Picking the range is done twice a week and is not as common compared to the other tasks centered around Main range. 

Range Refill would most likely be the most frequent tasks as this occurs on average 3-4 times a day per site and is usually fulfilled in around 20 minutes. Setting main range lasts about 30 minutes on average, and closing main range lasts around 2 hours on average.

Sand Valley Range Analysis

The most frequent tasks displayed here are Setting SV Range and Clean Picking the range. This does fall in with the nature of the job except for refilling the range. The range is set once a day and clean picked once a day because in the afternoon the range is transitioned to an alternate hole for the “6 hole loop” Sand Valley offers for guests.

The average clean pick on this range is 2 hours, the average morning set is 30 minutes. Filling Gas on Equipment is the only different task appearing here compared to Main Range.

Water Cooler Run Comparison

Mammoth Dunes was visited more often than Sand Valley and more distant tee boxes from the clubhouse were refilled than closer ones, this was likely due to proximity and accessibility for employees.

Water Cooler Runs averaged 90 minutes per run and 1 hour per course, this takes up a considerable amount of time out of the workday.

Water Cooler Suggestions

Two suggestions could resolve any shortages in both courses: Standardizing 2 hours per individual Water Run so one employee could visit both courses. Or sending two employees, one for each course, and setting aside 1 hour total to complete the job. 

Trash Run Comparison

For Trash Runs, the same rule of closer proximity to Bag Drop showed higher response with closer proximity. On average, Trash Runs were 20 minutes. Without visiting parking lot cans, Trash Runs would be less than 15 minute tasks. With the distance and time added, visiting parking lot cans hindered the option of returning quickly to assist at Bag Drop.

Trash Run Suggestions

A strong recommendation was to shift sole responsibility of these parking lots to hospitality. These employees already take care of parking lot cans during the day and could shift to the evening as well. This would only require an extra hour where these employees are responsible for these cans.