Hi-Lake redesign

Small changes and big goals


The Hiawatha Avenue and Lake Street intersection (Hi-Lake) is being redesigned to create a safer area where people can move easily—and more often—by walking, biking, rolling and using public transit. The “tight diamond” layout that will be constructed in 2024 (anticipated) is the result of a robust public engagement process (2017-2019). The new design supports climate-friendly transportation and opportunities for added community space. 

 Click here  to join the project email list and receive updates on the redesign. 

Future: Safer, more connected, & climate-friendly 

Project Partners

Intersection redesign

The Hiawatha Avenue and Lake Street intersection to be reconstructed in 2024 will feature:

  • An added traffic signal to reduce wait times and confusion
  • Squared turns and narrow on- and off-ramps to slow vehicles entering Lake Street from Hiawatha Avenue
  • Simpler and safer crossings for people who walk, bike and roll
  • Wider sidewalks and increased community space underneath the bridge

Reduced number of pedestrian crossings

Added community space under the bridge offers an opportunity for the public to recommend uses​

What's next

Three draft designs for the added public space underneath the overpass were created based on priorities heard from the community in spring 2022. In the summer and fall of 2022, nearly 500 community members affirmed the priorities shared and gave input on the three design concepts across various events.  

You can view the most consistent priorities shared below. 

Work is underway to finalize the designs and to create partnerships for the added public space. The final design will balance existing guidelines, public priorities and community partner commitment.  

The City of Minneapolis has committed to providing public art in the space under the Hi-Lake bridge. 

Take a virtual walk through the Hi-Lake intersection to see the expanded sidewalks and easy crossings.

The Hi-Lake community

A connecting point — and barrier — among three diverse neighborhoods

The Hiawatha and Lake Street intersection is the connecting point for three distinct Minneapolis neighborhoods:  Corcoran ,  East Phillips  and  Longfellow . Each neighborhood wants the Hi-Lake intersection to be a place of connection, rather than division.


Hennepin County

Jason Staebell, P.E., Project Manager | jason.staebell@hennepin.us | 612-596-0371

Stephanie Devitt, M.P.P., Community Engagement | stephanie@sdkcommunications.com | 612-437-0899

City of Minneapolis

Kelsey Fogt, Transportation Planner | kelsey.fogt@minneapolismn.gov | 612-673-3885

Minnesota Department of Transportation

Aaron Tag, West Metro Area Engineer | aaron.tag@state.mn.us

Future: Safer, more connected, & climate-friendly 

Project Partners

Reduced number of pedestrian crossings

Added community space under the bridge offers an opportunity for the public to recommend uses​