Woman on the Front Lines
Changing Roles Of Woman

Discrimination against woman
Discrimination against woman occurred in private and public groups that we may not of noticed all the time or knew what was happening or how we could help. We have seen and read that over the past hundreds of years how woman were treated, what they had to go through and how much their lives changed because of things they weren't allowed to do. Woman were always under looked and people always seemed to think less of them; paying them less, making them feel like they were always below men, given treatment that made them feel less about themselves, rude comments on what they did if they wanted to change and more. Canada wasn't always the most welcoming country many years ago but since they saw that woman were petitioning for them to do more and get more involved, they were the first country to allow woman into the war. Canada has done a good job becoming more welcoming to woman, especially woman of colour but it is still very hard on them and they are still continuing to fight for their rights which they shouldn't have to anymore or ever.

Women's Roles
Woman were not allowed to go to war for soldiers, sailors and pilots because those were jobs that the men would do, so instead if they got the opportunity to go to war, they could serve as nurses or drivers. More than 3000 woman signed up to be nurses which involved taking care of wounding soldiers, dying soldiers in the field hospitals often within only a few kilometres away from the front lines. Being a nurse was a very dangerous job because many medical staff ended up getting wounded or killed when hospitals had a fire as well as the risk of infection or disease was very high. Woman were also allowed to go help people in hospitals in Britain as well as France. Drivers were the other choice that woman could serve as and about 1000 of them did in the air force and many volunteered to drive ambulances and be apart of other Red Cross jobs. This connects to Canada because Canadian woman were the first ones that were able to join the war before any of the other countries which helped us start to have a good reputation since we were starting to allow woman to come and help with the war. They were still not able to help out in the trenches, but it was a good start.

Woman that became Famous for helping in World War 1
Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland and she discover the important chemicals as a radiologist so that doctors could use X-Ray machines in the war. Flora Sandes joined St. Johns Ambulance service to help transport the wounded soldiers to hospitals so that the doctors could treat them quickly. Later on as woman were allowed to fight in the war, she became the first British Soldier which led to her becoming a Sargent major. Even though Gabriel Petite was from Belgium she helped with woman in the war by becoming one of the first female spies for the war and her job was to gather information about the German for the British Secret Service, which at the time was part of Canada. All of these females had something that contributed to making Canada what it is today, and all are famous because Canada let them bring their personality, strengths and interests into the war which then led to Canada becoming more successful than other countries at the time.

How peoples perspectives changed once they saw woman in the war
World War I changed the lives of many woman and their perspective in multiple ways. Needs in wartime increased labor demands for female workers, responsibilities and pressure came to arise from the Canadians to the Americans because they were dealing with social and cultural differences. All of these changes, led to people thinking about how woman should be treated, how everyone should be treated more fairly, what roles come into play with handling situations and how they should be presented. Once Canada let a few woman onto the Canadian Armed Forces, this allowed other countries to start up trials for woman to join their army because they liked what Canada was doing, and they came out to realize that it was going to be their people that were missing out on the action. Canada especially affected America, and made them think about their decisions the most which is why they started bonding, trading etc. in the first place.

Elsie Inglis
Elsie was a Scottish woman who was also a doctor, a surgical pioneer, an inspiring teacher, a suffragist, founder of the Scottish Woman's Hospital, and the first woman to hold the Serbian Order of the White Eagle. Her main goal was to do as much as she could for medical care for woman. When World War l started, she offered her services in 1914 to the Royal Army Medical Corps, however she was told no and to go home but she didn't feel like that was the right thing to do and not at all fair, so she decided to create her own organization, where she would help wounded people in troupes, in Serbia and Russia. She is one of the reasons why Britain was so successful because she was part of it, always strived to help others because that was her passion.

Elsie Knocker
Elsie Knocker was born in the United Kingdom, and served in World War 1 for the British as a nurse and an ambulance driver; she loved to help people. Together, her and her friend won many awards for bravery during the war, and for also being able to save thousands of soldiers' lives during the war on the Western Front in Belgium. In the early year of 1914, Elsie and her friend also decided to set up their own medical post in Pervijze, just behind the front lines, which was incredibly dangerous but would also save tons of soldiers' lives. They fought for their right to help people that needed their help and that is what people should learn to do. Here in Canada, we have learned to make a plan, take action and act responsibly for what we can do to better these people's lives in order to give them the best treatments possible which is why many hospitals and clinics are free; to help those in need that require emergent procedures so they can get back to what they are most passionate about and help others as well.

Marguerite Maud Mcarthur
Marguerite was employed by the Young Men's Christian Association, and since she was very good at both speaking and translating German and French, she worked in the War Office Translation Bureau. She was also apart of the Army Educational Services for the YMCA to help kids at Etaples in France. Marguerite was able to join a men's association which is something that then became a Co-ed association which is a good thing, because as we see in Canada this brought the Army the chance to offer woman the right to join. As we see even in our schools, there are no classes that are meant for just boys or girls, they have made these co-ed so that we can all learn in an environment together, and that is exactly what Canada is about; bringing people together and this is what Marguerite helped us discover about not only ourselves and the people we have turned into, but the affected environment around us.

Were more woman inclined to join the army after the first war ended?
Woman's participation in the war as nurses and drivers helped influence massively woman's rights which led to the right to vote in Canada in 1917, just three years after the war, Britain, Germany and Poland in 1918, and in 1919 in Austria and the Netherlands. Many woman were more inclined to join the army because of what the others did that helped influence woman's rights in the world. These woman were offered great jobs that had been for men but since they had died or got recruited to war, they got to have an experience of what it was like in the war which was good for them. New jobs were also created because more woman wanted to join the army, and since all of these countries needed as many people as possible, they created new jobs such as munition factories. Canada was the first country to allow woman the right to vote which not only influenced other countries to do the same, but this gave a new perspective on why they should be allowed to go to war, which also led to more woman joining the war for the experience, the thrill of saving more lives, and experiencing equality and Canada should be proud that they were the main contributors to this reason.
Woman on the Front Lines is an important topic that everyone should know about because it is important to understand what they went through to be like who they are today, the experiences they had, how hard their lives were made to be that we didn't think about, how men treated them and made them feel like they were always less and people's opinions on why and how they decided to join the Canadian Armed Forces. The stories that I talked about were people's stories and personal thoughts, behaviors and feelings on how they were treated, why they decided to join the war and the difficulties they had because of the choice they made. People should be more understanding about what these woman had to go through hundreds of years ago that made it a bit easier for us woman to be who we are today, however the rights are still not equal, and everyday woman have to keep fighting for what they believe in. In World War I woman were able to join if they wanted to become a nurse or driver which was good at the time, but now we should be able to realize that what we did back then was not right because we should not discriminate others for their gender or race or anything else. Canada has done an excellent job at trying their best to help out with that now by creating organizations and protests fro woman and as you read in the slides above, once Canada planned and took action, other countries wanted to follow and do the same which meant that Canada can be and will be a role-model for others. What we do and how we do something can help others and their future, so we should all respect what these woman did for our country and the other countries on the Front Lines.