North Korean missiles produced in 2024 used in Ukraine

Ukraine Field Dispatch, September 2024

Conflict Armament Research (CAR) has confirmed the continuing use of ballistic missiles manufactured by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) in the conflict in Ukraine. A CAR field investigation team documented the remnants of four different North Korean missiles following a series of attacks reported on 30 July, 5 August, 6 August, and 18 August 2024. On one of these missiles, CAR documented a mark indicating missile production in 2024. This is the first public evidence that missiles produced this year in North Korea are being used in Ukraine.

CAR's discovery of a missile component produced with a 2024 production mark is the first public evidence that missiles produced this year in North Korea are being used in Ukraine.

Remnants of a North Korean missile, documented by CAR on 6 August 2024 in Ukraine.

The parts included one of the missile’s wings, the first to be documented by CAR investigators.

The missile struck Bila Tserkva district in Kyiv oblast on 30 July 2024.

Remnants of a North Korean missile documented by CAR on 12 August 2024 in Ukraine. The parts included a jet vane actuator and one of the missile’s wings.

The missile was recovered near Vitrova Balka, Poltava oblast, on 6 August 2024.

Remnants of a North Korean missile, documented by CAR on 3 September 2024 in Ukraine.

The missile was recovered in Rozhivka, Kyiv oblast, on 18 August 2024.

Missile identification

CAR investigators first documented North Korean missiles in Ukraine in  January  and  February  2024. They established that the model involved in these attacks was either a KN-23 or KN-24. Having compared the remnants recovered in these previous documentations with those of the four missiles recovered in August 2024, CAR can confirm that the missiles used in recent attacks in Ukraine were also manufactured by North Korea. These items are probably also KN-23 or KN-24 missiles, or a variant model.

Having compared the remnants recovered in these previous documentations with those of the four missiles recovered in August 2024, CAR can confirm that the missiles used in recent attacks in Ukraine were also manufactured by North Korea.

Jet vane actuator

A jet vane actuator of a North Korean missile, documented by CAR on 12 August 2024.

The missile was recovered near Vitrova Balka, Poltava oblast, on 6 August 2024.

Jet vane actuators of a North Korean KN-23 or KN-24 missile, documented by CAR on 11 January 2024.

 CAR has withheld markings on this component in accordance with its tracing methodology.  

Cable raceway

The cable raceway of a North Korean KN-23 or KN-24 missile, documented by CAR on 12 August 2024.

Part of a cable raceway of a North Korean missile, documented by CAR on 29 January 2024.


Part of the nozzle of a North Korean missile, documented by CAR on 12 August 2024.

Part of the nozzle of a North Korean KN-23 or KN-24 missile, documented by CAR on 10 January 2024.

Tail section

Part of the tail section of a North Korean missile, documented by CAR on 12 August 2024

The same section of a North Korean KN-23 or KN-24 missile, documented by CAR on 11 January 2024.

Component manufactured in 2024

Among the remnants of one of the missiles used in the strike on 18 August, CAR field investigators documented two jet vane actuators, both of which bore the same mark indicating that the missile was produced in 2024. CAR understands the mark—the figure ‘113’—to be a reference to 2024 in the Juche calendar. This documentation was the first in which CAR observed a mark indicating production in 2024 on a North Korean missile.

CAR investigators previously documented this marking practice on actuators in  January 2024 , when observing a code mark starting with ‘112’, which refers to production in 2023. CAR has since observed ‘112’ marked on multiple other components, including as a handwritten mark on a label. CAR also documented several components bearing production marks indicating 2023 as their year of manufacture.

CAR understands the mark '113' to be a reference to 2024 in the Juche calendar, used in North Korea.

Jet vane actuator of a North Korean missile, documented by CAR on 3 September 2024.

 CAR has withheld markings on this component in accordance with its tracing methodology.  

The missile was recovered in Rozhivka, Kyiv oblast, on 18 August 2024.

Detailed view of the '113' mark found on a jet vane actuator of a North Korean missile, documented by CAR on 3 September 2024.

 CAR has withheld markings on this component in accordance with its tracing methodology.  

Jet vane actuator of a North Korean missile, documented by CAR on 3 September 2024.

Documenting continued sanctions violations

Jonah Leff, Executive Director, CAR, at the United Nations Security Council on 28 June 2024.

In June 2024, CAR  briefed  the United Nations Security Council on the use of North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine. CAR’s latest field documentation highlights three key observations:

  • First, it confirms the continued use of recently manufactured North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine.
  • Second, the presence of components produced in 2023 and 2024 among missile remnants illustrates North Korea’s robust acquisition network for its ballistic missiles programme, capable of evading multilateral sanctions regimes that have been in place for nearly two decades.
  • Third, the discovery of a 2024 production mark on one of the missiles reveals a short period between the production of these ballistic missiles and their use in Ukraine.

Ungrounded and incomplete reporting has thwarted arms control policymaking efforts to understand the dynamics it seeks to control and mitigate. That is precisely the gap that Conflict Armament Research seeks to fill […] the evidence that CAR observed and thoroughly documented firsthand irrefutably establishes that the missile fired on Kharkiv [in January 2024] was indeed of North Korean origin.

Jonah Leff, CAR Executive Director, United Nations Security Council, 28 June 2024.

CAR’s findings highlight once again the importance of field documentation and monitoring. With the recent expiry of the mandate of the UN Panel of Experts to monitor and report on sanctions violations relating to North Korea, such field evidence is now more important than ever in shedding light on the nature of ongoing defence cooperation between North Korea and the Russian Federation.

The use of such missiles continues to erode global non-proliferation regimes. Any exports of ballistic missiles from North Korea carried out following the introduction of UN embargoes on the country in 2006 represent violations of the sanctions regime. UN Security Council resolutions 1718 (2006), 1874 (2009), and 2270 (2016) prohibit all member states from procuring arms or related materiel from North Korea and prohibit North Korea from exporting arms or related materiel. Security Council resolutions also forbid North Korea from developing its ballistic missile programme, meaning that individuals, entities, and networks involved in the facilitation of these transfers may have committed violations.

CAR field investigators will continue to document any further evidence of the use of North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine.

Further Resources

About Conflict Armament Research

Established in 2011, Conflict Armament Research generates unique evidence on weapon supplies into armed conflicts in order to inform and support effective weapon management and control.

CAR field investigation teams document illicit weapons, ammunition, and related materiel in conflict-affected locations and trace their supply sources. The teams inspect weapons in a variety of situations—whether recovered by state security forces, surrendered at the cessation of hostilities, cached, or held by insurgent forces. They document all items photographically, date and geo-reference the documentation sites, and incorporate contextual interview data gathered from the forces in control of the items at the time of documentation.

CAR occasionally uses information and photographs from social media as background information but does not base its investigations on them, since the provenance of such data is often difficult to verify. Moreover, open-source information does not always provide the detailed physical elements—notably external and internal markings required to trace weapons and ammunition.

For more information on CAR's methodology, go to

Published online by Conflict Armament Research

© Conflict Armament Research Ltd., London, 2024

First published in September 2024

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union and the German Federal Foreign Office. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Conflict Armament Research and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the positions of the European Union or the German Federal Foreign Office.

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Copy-editing: Tania Inowlocki

All photographs © Conflict Armament Research unless stated otherwise.

North Korean missiles produced in 2024 used in Ukraine

Conflict Armament Research

Jonah Leff, Executive Director, CAR, at the United Nations Security Council on 28 June 2024.