Get your Game on with StoryMaps!
Want to engage your learners with interactive StoryMaps? Get started now!
Session Description: Join us to learn how to use Esri's StoryMaps within the classroom. Session will include a sneak peak at the newest StoryMaps and how they can be integrated into almost any grand level or lesson.
What is a StoryMap?
StoryMaps integrate text, interactive maps, and multimedia content, to tell a story about the world. Three years ago, there we approximately 300,000 StoryMaps, and now there are more than ONE MILLION StoryMaps. All great StoryMaps include a focused theme, one or more maps, links to outside information and images to help illustrate the main topic.
StoryMaps in the Classroom
How are StoryMaps used? No matter what you teach or want to learn, there is likely a StoryMap that you can access. Consuming vs Producing StoryMaps is a choice educators will need to make, based on time available and the purpose of your classroom lessons.
StoryMaps can be used for direct instruction, student project research, and they can serve as a capstone opportunity, or even help students build a resume. The classic and new versions can even also serve as samples if students create their own StoryMaps.
StoryMaps showcase information from historical, scientific, artistic, business-based, cultural, medical, and ecological lenses.
Human World and Natural World Graphic
Classic StoryMaps
You can search by topic, instituition, keyword, and more!
Colorado's Tiny Thornton Taurosaurus -Evolution and Geology PBL project.
Beauty from Above - STEM Education Research Team Project.
Air Quality: Protecting America's Treasured Vistas used to evaluate air quality during a chemistry unit.
Public Art Displays- Utility Box Art in CA for student community art evaluation.
Astronomy StoryMap with Scott Kelly's Year in Space
A World of Circles in Classic StoryMaps
New StoryMaps
New StoryMaps typically will have some sort of sidecar for slides and you move vertically through the resource. You can start with a blank page, or use one of the available templates.
Here are a few examples of new StoryMaps:
A World of Circles in New StoryMaps
Science StoryMap: Eyes Above: Remote Sensing with Satellites.
Cultural/Historical StoryMap: Voices of the Canyon
Ecology StoryMap: Rocky Mountain Water
West Middle School Problem-Based Community Project- Solar Charging Station!
StoryMap Tutorial
Pick a topic!
Unit Plan, History of a person/place, Scientific Principal, Citizen Science Project, Policy, campaign for cleaner skies, etc. If you can dream it, you can map it!
Steps: Decide format: blank, sidecar, or a tour
Select how many “Pages”
Sketch our your "pages" or key pieces in a simple StoryBoard google doc.
Add opensource, copyright-free photos and video media from iStock or UnSplash
Give credit!
Publish to the world!
How NOT to build a StoryMap .
StoryMap Collections
Map makers, educators, and builders can make collections of StoryMaps using the "Collections" feature in ArcGIS online. Here are two collections, specific to STEM.
Collection from Geo Maker Institute Educators
What is YOUR StoryMap Journey!
Want to try StoryMaps with your students! Apply for an ESRI K12 Org account if you don’t have one yet.
Share with other teachers, or groups in your network. This was a GeoInquiry and Power of Data training StoryMap from 2018.
Try a PBL Unit with grade level teachers and plan a project together. One project, with multiple components. Everyone rowing in the same direction.
Submit yours or your students' for the State GIS Competition with ESRI each May.
Discussion Time
How would you use Storymaps?
How could your community be impacted with access to StoryMaps?