LYNX Silver Line

Online Open House Winter/Spring 2021

LYNX Silver Line

Welcome to the LYNX Silver Line Online Open House! Here you will find an update on the ongoing planning and design efforts for the proposed LYNX Silver Line. Thank you for your input during the comment period. The team is reviewing public feedback and will present the findings to MTC this spring.

CATS Presents the Preliminary Staff Recommendations for the LYNX Silver Line

The LYNX Silver Line is a proposed 26-mile light rail project from the City of Belmont, through Center City Charlotte and the Town of Matthews, with a potential extension into Union County. Community input is key in developing this project. 

In January 2020, CATS began refining the LPA. In the spring of 2021, the final recommendations will be presented to the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC), CATS’ policy board. The LPA will then be advanced for more detailed design and environmental review.

CATS Recommendations Include:

Refining the Alignment

Why do we need to refine the alignment?

Portions of the LPA were evaluated and adopted in 2016. The project corridor has experienced continued development and growth since then. CATS also opened the LYNX Blue Line Extension and learned valuable lessons that can be applied in planning for the LYNX Silver Line.

How do we get from the adopted LPA to the refined LPA?

In January 2020, CATS began refining the LPA to maximize benefits and minimize risks. In making these refinements to the alignment, the project team considered development opportunities, environmental considerations, community feedback, and lessons learned from the LYNX Blue Line.

To better understand the refinement process, think of the adopted LPA as a thick line. While the LPA provides a general idea about where the light rail will be, additional design work, environmental studies and public involvement are needed to help narrow the thick line down to a more precise line.

LYNX Silver Line Decision Framework

How do we use the public and stakeholder input?

In the fall of 2020, CATS and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) requested comments from the public and other agencies on:

  • Previous planning studies and the previously adopted LPA,
  • Alignment refinement options and potential station locations (with a discussion about how the options compare to the LPA)
  • The preliminary purpose and need for the project,
  • Potential environmental concerns, and
  • Public engagement methods.

Survey responses and comments suggest that people are supportive of the project and preliminary purpose and need, with top priorities identified as “local connectivity” and “travel time.” 

What is the decision-making process to refine the alignment?

Based on a comprehensive review of the benefits and risks, CATS identified a “least risk” option and “most benefit” option for different areas in the project corridor. If a specific option was identified as both the “least risk” and “most benefit” option, then that option became the preliminary staff recommendation. If an option had high benefits but also had more risk, then additional consideration was given to understanding whether the higher risk option could be acceptable weighing the potential benefits.

Preliminary Staff Recommendations

The series of maps below also show the refined Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) in each of the six Focus Areas. The yellow triangle symbol with an exclamation point inside indicates a change from the previously adopted LPA. Click through the maps using the arrows on the right to learn more about the preliminary staff recommendations in each Focus Area. Preliminary staff recommendations will continue to be adjusted through design and public engagement. Scroll down to view an interactive map.

CATS considered the public and agency comments, along with other factors, in developing the preliminary staff recommendations. The map on the left shows the preliminary staff recommendations and alignment options studied. Note, the preliminary staff recommendations will continue to be adjusted through design and public engagement. Click the buttons below to zoom to a specific focus area.

Live Virtual Public Meetings

Thank you for participating in the virtual public meetings!

CATS held six virtual public meetings, in lieu of in-person meetings, to protect community members and project staff from exposure to COVID-19. The meeting recordings are available to view below. 

  • Focus Area 1: Wilkinson Boulevard (City of Belmont to I-485)

LYNX Silver Line Focus Area 1: Wilkinson Blvd(City of Belmont to I-485)

  • Focus Area 2: Wilkinson Boulevard (I-485 to West Morehead Street)

LYNX Silver Line Focus Area 2: Wilkinson Boulevard

  • Focus Area 3: Center City (West Morehead Street to Charlottetowne Avenue)

LYNX Silver Line Focus Area 3: Center City

  • Focus Area 4: Independence Boulevard (Charlottetowne Avenue to Idlewild Road)

LYNX Silver Line Focus Area 4: Independence Boulevard

  • Focus Area 5: Independence Boulevard (Idlewild Road to just south of I-485 at CPCC Levine)

LYNX Silver Line Focus Area 5: Independence Boulevard - Live Virtual Public Meeting

  • Focus Area 6: Union County Extension

LYNX Silver Line Focus Area 6: Union County Extension - Live Virtual Public Meeting

    Contact Us

    Contact the project team directly with your questions or to request printed materials at the phone number,  email  or mailing address provided.

    For the following translations, contact CATS:  Español , Tiếng Việt, 中文, français, русский, ગુજરાતી, 한국어, िहनदी, etc.