Brighter Blue
Improving transit service for riders in Santa Monica & West LA.
PROJECT UPDATE: On July 9, 2024, Santa Monica’s City Council unanimously approved Brighter Blue, a five-year plan designed to enhance Big Blue Bus services throughout Santa Monica and West Los Angeles. Under Brighter Blue riders can anticipate reduced wait times, expanded service hours, and more connections to essential destinations. This service improvement plan follows an extensive service analysis and community outreach effort that included focus group meetings, community meetings, public hearings, and surveys to identify areas of improvement. Thank you to everyone who participated in this process! For more details on the Brighter Blue plan's adoption, read the full press release here .
The City of Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus (BBB) is conducting a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) to improve transit service for riders in Santa Monica and West Los Angeles. The objective of the Brighter Blue COA is to enhance the quality of bus services for all stakeholders.
BBB serves over 30,000 daily riders across a 58 square mile service area, with daily connections to several LA Metro Rail stations.
Travel patterns have changed since the pandemic, and BBB needs to adapt and evolve to respond to these changes, embracing them as opportunities for growth in order to provide riders with a high-quality service that meets their needs and resonates with excellence.
Brighter Blue COA will focus on the following:
- Current service conditions given the impacts of COVID-19
- Changes in daily travel behavior emerging from the pandemic
- Adapting to changes in the region and operating environment
- BBB’s ongoing transition to a zero-emission fleet
Outcomes of Brighter Blue COA:
- Five-year plan for proposed bus service changes designed to increase transit ridership and improve the customer experience
- New service design based on the current mobility environment
- Recommendations for technological innovation to enhance the transit experience
What is a Comprehensive Operational Analysis?
A Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) is a thorough and systematic examination of the operations, performance, and efficiency of a public transit system, such as buses or trains. It is typically conducted by transit agencies, municipalities, or transportation authorities to assess various aspects of their transit services and identify areas for improvement.
The previous COA, titled "Evolution of Blue," was carried out in 2015, aiming to integrate BBB's services with the Metro Expo Light Rail Line (E Line), which commenced operations in Santa Monica in 2016. Since then, the conditions within the city and the methods by which riders utilize the BBB system have changed significantly. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, further operational adjustments were implemented. "Brighter Blue" will address these changes and the ridership trends that have persisted post-pandemic.
Public Hearings
Big Blue Bus hosted (2) public hearings as part of the Brighter Blue Comprehensive Operational Analysis on Tuesday, April 16 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM via ZOOM, and in-person on Saturday, April 20 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Brighter Blue - Public Hearing - April 16, 2024 (English)
Service changes are being recommended as part of Big Blue Bus’s Brighter Blue Comprehensive Operational Analysis. These recommended changes include:
- Improving weekday frequency to 10 minutes or better on major corridors.
- Expanding service hours earlier in the morning and later at night.
- Adjusting route alignments to connect with future Metro Rail D Line, C Line, and K Line stations.
Further details of these proposed changes are available in the Draft Service Changes section of this website.
Big Blue Bus will review all public comments submitted during the comment period between April 15, 2024 and May 24, 2024. Based on feedback received, Big Blue Bus may adjust the draft improvements as needed before submitting a Staff Report for Santa Monica City Council review in July 2024. If approved by Santa Monica City Council in July, service adjustments would be phased in during Big Blue Bus’s regular service changes over the next five years.
Interested parties may comment in person at either hearing or may submit written comments prior to the hearing by mail at Big Blue Bus, 1660 7th St, Santa Monica, CA 90401, Attn: Alfredo Torales, Transit Planning and Performance, or by submitting an email to brighterblue@santamonica.gov .
Virginia Avenue Park is wheelchair accessible. For disability and translation accommodation requests, please contact (310) 451-5444 or send an email to brighterblue@santamonica.gov at least 72 hours (3 business days) prior to the hearing. All written materials are available in alternate formats upon request. Big Blue Bus Route 7 serves Virginia Avenue Park. Visit bigbluebus.com for trip planning and schedule information.
Service Changes
As part of the Brighter Blue Comprehensive Operations Analysis, Big Blue Bus proposed a series of service changes to be implemented over the next five years. These draft changes were developed based on feedback from community outreach, rider surveys, and analysis of existing Big Blue Bus services. The following pages provide an in-depth look at the schedule and alignment changes for each route. To view the service changes, use the embedded copy below or download a PDF. The proposed changes were presented to and unanimously approved by the Santa Monica City Council on July 9, 2024.
Flipsnack player
Public Workshops
Public workshops were held on Wednesday, March 6, 2024 (Virtual) and Thursday, March 7, 2024 (In-Person) . Materials provided at these meetings as well as the recording of the virtual meeting on March 6 are available to view below.
Brighter Blue - Community Workshop - March 6, 2024 (English)
What is Big Blue Bus?
Big Blue Bus operates a fleet of 195 vehicles transporting passengers daily across a 58-square mile service area. Nationally recognized for its long-standing commitment to a cleaner environment, the agency plans to convert its entire fleet from natural gas to zero emissions by 2030. Currently, 10-percent of the fleet is battery electric. The rest of the fleet operates on other alternative fuels, including renewable natural gas (RNG), a form of liquefied and compressed natural gas (LNG/CNG), which helps cut emissions by up to 90-percent. Serving Santa Monica and the Los Angeles area since 1928, Big Blue Bus has won numerous awards for its marketing, customer service, safety, and efficiency. Big Blue Bus is a vital component of the local transportation infrastructure, providing an important and accessible mode of public transit for Santa Monica residents and visitors while contributing to the region's efforts to reduce traffic congestion and promote sustainable mobility.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is Big Blue Bus part of the LA Metro system?
- No, while Big Blue Bus receives funding from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro), the system is operated by the City of Santa Monica’s Department of Transportation (DOT).
- Big Blue Bus is part of the TAP fare payment system and riders can TAP (with either a physical card or smartphone app) to pay their fare on Big Blue Bus.
- Why does Big Blue Bus operate outside of Santa Monica?
- To deliver safe, reliable, accessible, and affordable mobility options for residents and visitors in West Los Angeles, and support an integrated, multi-modal transportation network that reduces dependence on personal vehicles.
- Is Big Blue Bus Hiring?
- Yes! Big Blue Bus is currently seeking Motor Coach Operators to help serve our community. Benefits include paid training, $25.90 starting pay, extensive medical, dental and vision insurance, as well as retirement with CALPERS and several other great benefits. To learn more about how you can drive for Big Blue Bus, visit bigbluebus.com/driveblue.
Project Timeline
Ongoing public outreach will be conducted for each step listed below.
Step 1
Collect data/Review existing conditions.
Step 2
Develop a service design strategy.
Step 3
Develop a draft service plan.
Step 4
Finalize the service plan.
Service Changes
Stay Connected
- Email: brighterblue@santamonica.gov
- Facebook: SMBigBlueBus
- Instagram: @SMBigBlueBus
- X: @SMBigBlueBus