Alaska Richardson Steese Highways Corridor Action Plan
A project to analyze the potential impacts of the proposed Manh Choh ore haul to roadway infrastructure and safety
A project to analyze the potential impacts of the proposed Manh Choh ore haul to roadway infrastructure and safety
The Final Plan is now available. Click below to view the Final Plan.
For questions or more information about the plan, please contact:
Danielle Tessen
Public Information Officer (Acting) , DOT&PF
The Final Plan contains the most current narrative about the project and supersedes that presented below.
Proposed Manh Choh Ore Haul Truck. Diagram provided by Kinross.
Kinross' Manh Choh project proposes to transport ore extracted from their Manh Choh mine near Tok to their Fort Knox mill north of Fairbanks for processing. Ore haul operations are expected to begin in 2024 and continue year-round for four to five years. As proposed, the ore haul will make approximately 60 roundtrips daily utilizing purpose-built trucks on a route that includes segments of State-maintained roads, including segments of the Alaska, Richardson, and Steese Highways (see map below).
The Alaska/Richardson/Steese Highway Corridor Action Plan (A/R/S CAP) will analyze the impacts and potential implications of the proposed ore haul operations to roadway infrastructure and safety.
The State of Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) solicited a project consultant team to prepare the A/R/S CAP. Kinney Engineering, LLC is managing the overall effort and plan development, and providing engineering and technical analyses, GIS mapping, and public involvement. Agnew::Beck Consulting is supporting the efforts by facilitating the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) work sessions, and providing socio-economic analyses and literature reviews of agency plans and policies.
The corridor study area is approximately 247 miles of roadway and includes segments of the Alaska, Richardson, and Steese Highways. From south to north, the corridor begins south of Tok on the Alaska Highway at its intersection with Tetlin Access Road, continues via the Richardson Highway from Delta Junction to Fairbanks, and through Fairbanks via the Steese Expressway, and ends north of Fairbanks at the intersection of the Steese Highway and Fort Knox Access Road.
The Final Plan contains the most current narrative about the A/R/S CAP and supersedes that presented below
The A/R/S CAP will document existing conditions of the corridor; evaluate short, mid, and long-term plans for the corridor; incorporate public input; and provide recommendations for transportation solutions for identified issues.
For more details about the scope of work for the project, click on the button below.
Engagement opportunities are critical to building community trust and for ensuring the A/R/S CAP considers the interests and concerns of the communities along the corridor. The A/R/S CAP will include several engagement opportunities through its development.
The engagement activities and outreach methods described below are designed to share information as well as provide a means for receiving continuous input on evolving ideas and concerns related to the corridor and the planning process.
The Final Plan contains the most current narrative about the TAC and supersedes that presented below.
The Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) is an advisory group that includes representatives from communities and user groups along the corridor, local and Tribal governments, state and federal agencies, Army and Air Force installations, emergency fire and rescue entities, and advocacy groups. DOT&PF will support the TAC by providing resources as requested and guidance on regulatory processes. The TAC:
Revised 1-23-24
CLICK HERE to learn more about TAC roles, responsibilities, and process.
TAC meeting summaries, recordings, and related materials will be posted on the website approximately 10-15 business days following the meeting.
The Final Plan contains the most current narrative about the project resources and supersedes that presented below.
Click the "FINAL PLAN" button below to view the final plan and appendices.
For questions or more information about the plan, please contact:
Danielle Tessen
Public Information Officer (Acting) , DOT&PF
Thank you for your time and interest in the project.