Precarious Homes

Housing Uncertainties in Beirut

The Beirut Urban Lab is launching a platform that documents the processes and mechanisms that generate housing precarity in today’s Beirut. The platform seeks to make visible patterns of deprivation, overcrowding, unaffordability, displacement, eviction, and foreclosure that characterize the housing conditions of Beirut’s social majorities. Through data collection, analysis, and visualization, it places these narratives at the disposal of activists, researchers, journalists, and city-dwellers in order to emphasize the urgency of debating, denouncing, and resisting the devastating impacts of neoliberal urban policies and real-estate speculation in today’s cities.

How to Use This Platform

The platform first introduces the layers of citywide conditions that contribute to urban precarity. Having provided context, this initial analysis is followed by several case studies which zoom in to particular buildings or clusters of buildings to examine the consequences of these forces on the ground. We invite you to explore these narratives in whatever order you wish.

Users are invited to provide feedback at , share their own stories, or even author their own.

What is Precarious Homes?

With Lebanon sinking deeper into crises of unprecedented scales, numerous reports have sounded the alarm about the rising levels of poverty ( Escwa , 2021;  The World Bank , 2021;  Human Rights Watch,  2021). By invoking the notion of precarity, we aim to shift attention away from poverty as a measurement of lack attributed to specific individuals or groups. Instead, we focus attention on the forces that generate the deprivation and uncertainty increasingly observed in today’s Beirut (and beyond). In doing so, we build on a growing body of research that highlights precarity as a politically induced reality ( Bourdieu , 199;  Butler , 2004;  Waite , 2009), one that is particularly tied to the dismantlement of social networks and protections ( Castel , 2008) in the context of increasingly financialized cities and regions ( Blomley , 2020;  Campbell, B. and Laheij, C. , 2021;  Susser , 2021;  Zeiderman el al. , 2015).

In today’s Beirut, housing precarity has intensified. Numerous city-dwellers live with the threat of eviction. Despite allocating disproportionate sections of their meager incomes to rent, they dwell in dilapidated conditions. This portal aims to demonstrate that housing precarity is deeply embedded in the processes through which urbanization has unfolded over the past decades. As such, the urban is not mere context; it is an integral component of processes through which the city is rendered ever more inhospitable to the urban majorities.

Precarity is particularly entangled with a development frenzy, itself fueled by an economic model built on the principle of commodifying land. Precarity also results from the lingering remnants of modern planning where ambitious projects materialized into delayed eviction and partially executed physical interventions. Precarity further materializes in zones of exception, areas temporarily allocated or conceded to dwellers deliberately forced into derelict living conditions to preempt them from making claims to consolidate a future. Finally, precarity is the outcome of forms of governance that criminalize the presence and labor of many and facilitate the displacement of populations deemed undesirable to the interests of capital.

In today’s Beirut, precarity manifests itself in innumerable clusters where presence hedges on delayed evictions, dwelling often unfolds in temporary make-shift arrangements, and life is conducted in anticipation of the next rupture. 

The  Beirut Urban Lab  is launching a platform that documents the processes and mechanisms that generate urban housing precarity in Beirut. This work contributes to ongoing conversations and actions that seek to recover cities from the dominant narratives of segregation, poverty, unaffordability, displacement, evictions, and foreclosures that have come to characterize them. In this first iteration, we propose two approaches to mapping precarity, each operating at a scale (city-wide and cluster level). The platform will grow to include additional case studies that are currently being investigated.  

Methods of Understanding Urban Precarity

This research relies on intersecting two methodological approaches to the study of urban precarity. Both approaches begin by recognizing methodologically the “urban” as the very substance at stake in generating the uncertainties and hardships documented, since conflicts over land and/or homes are at the heart of rising precarity, and not an incidental or background to the unfolding of precarity. The first approach reads urban precarity systematically at the scale of the city by a set of historical or contemporary disruptive interventions in the urban fabric such as –for example- the illegal occupation of land, the temporary establishment of a refugee camp, the development of a highway, or the earmarking of new building development. Most of this identification relied on earlier studies of Beirut and its suburbs that allowed us to locate such disruptions or interruptions. Read spatially together in their impact on the urban fabric, these interruptions serve as background for in-depth investigations of detailed case studies that are developed in the second approach for this study of urban precarity.

The second methodological approach relies on the study-up method of understanding the city ( Nader , 1972) where investigating cases of precarity through direct fieldwork allowed us to unravel the urban processes acting to destabilize the urban fabric, and consequently its residents. In each of the case studies, we dived into property records and interviewed dwellers, landlords, property owners, and aspiring developers looking for indices that help uncover the processes generating uncertainty and dilapidation. Methodologically, these investigations paid close attention to the power relations organized around property law and the ways in which they produce, what  Nick Blomley  has termed, precarious property relations: hierarchical conditions that generate unequal negotiating positions among actors resulting in unstable modes of tenancy. We were also careful to recognize legally induced precarity related to the status of refugees and migrant workers whose presence and labor are consistently criminalized by Lebanese law, with substantive repercussions on their ability to secure adequate housing ( Saghieh , 2019). Wherever possible, the research further documents experimental forms of agency through which dwellers resist displacement and formulate alternative claims to space.

In what follows, the platform fleshes out first the city-wide readings of precarity before delving into the in-depth case studies.  

City-Wide Readings of Precarity

A city-scale reading of urban precarity led us to identify geographic locations where processes of urban precarity have converged due to historical or ongoing development trends. These conditions involve patterns of forced population displacement, illegal land occupation and/or building development, large-scale disasters, and/or top-down forceful state planning. Some of the identified locations corresponded to neighborhoods labeled as “informal” or recognized as “camps”, areas where access to land is provisional and, consequently, urban residency is labeled a-priori as temporary ( Deboulet , 2016). Public planning projects have also been known to coincide with large waves of displacement ( Deboulet , 2010), which oriented us to public planning projects on hold. Each of the conditions is translated into a “layer of precarity” on the platform. We profile each layer below.

1/4 | Precarious Neighborhoods

The precarious neighborhoods seen on the map were identified based on earlier studies conducted in Beirut and its suburbs (Fawaz & Peillen, 2002; Fawaz et al., 2021). The map points to locations in Beirut where the majority of residents live with heightened threats of eviction, facing economic, political, and/or social hardship, with lower-than-average access to urban services than other sections of the city. We point to three forms of precarious neighborhoods, identified according to the conditions of their historical production:

Tip: Click one of the orange titles below to see the corresponding layer on the map. Click the title again to return to the initial view.

are neighborhoods established in the 1948-1951 period to shelter refugees who fled to Lebanon to escape the massacres that marked the establishment of the State of Israel in their historic homeland. To date, Palestinian refugee camps are located on land rented out by the United Nations Relief Agency in West Asia (UNRWA). UNRWA also supports refugees in the organization of their neighborhoods that are considered outside the jurisdiction of Lebanese authorities. Since then, these temporary encampments have consolidated into neighborhoods where incrementally developed multi-story residential buildings house refugees and other vulnerable population groups ( Sayigh , 2005; Peteet, 2011). Physical conditions in the camps are typically dismal and services are direly lacking. Worse, residency is criminalized given that the Lebanese law mandates camps not to consolidate beyond their original temporary structures. Consequently, buildings are in violation of building and zoning codes and services are only secured through informal hookups.

are neighborhoods developed historically in urban peripheries to house vulnerable population groups, including rural migrants, impoverished city dwellers, foreign migrant workers, and more recently refugees. Each of  the informal neighborhoods  identified on the map has a unique historical trajectory, but all trajectories span over several decades and typically connect their development to the establishment of the land registry, the construction of refugee camps, and/or incidents related to the Lebanese civil war. Informal settlements are constructed in violation of property, zoning, and/or building regulations. The illegal occupation of land extends over both public and private land. 

are low-income urban pockets historically established as permanent resettlement sites for Armenian or Syriac refugees in the pre-independence period. These neighborhoods have consolidated into high-density, low-height settlements that include mixed-use functions.

Tip: Read more about a neighborhood by clicking on it in the map.

2/4 | Buildings Demolished and/or Threatened with Demolition

The buildings identified on the map in yellow are sites of eminent redevelopment. In these buildings, residents live with the immediate threat of eviction, knowing that a building permit has been filed, some of their neighbors have already been evicted, and all maintenance on the building has been stalled.

These sites were identified through two lists of permits obtained from the Order of Engineers and Architects in Beirut. The first list includes all lots where demolition permits had been filed between 1996 and 2021, but no demolition has occurred, as evidenced by recent satellite imagery. The second list includes all lots where building permits were filed between 1996-2019, while a pre-existing building still stood with at least some of the units occupied at the time of the field survey conducted by the Beirut Urban Lab team in 2019 (BBED 2019).

In 2019, the BBED survey found that 138 sites in Beirut were earmarked for projected redevelopment while pre-existing buildings still stood on the same lot. In most cases, the buildings were still occupied by several households who dwelled with the looming threat of eviction typically aggravated by the intimidation of a landlord-developer who was eager to see them leave with no compensation. In some cases, property owners had also temporarily rented out housing units to refugees and/or migrant workers who they could evict without prior warning once the development project is initiated.

3/4 | Planned Road Projects on Hold

Tip: Click the icon on the bottom left corner of the map to view the legend.

Since the 1960s, an ambition to modernize the City of Beirut and adapt its narrow street networks to the discipline of the private car has animated public planning agencies. As a result, the decades preceding the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990) witnessed the planning and decreeing of numerous road networks that would cut through residential areas, displace populations, and make way for vehicular mobility. It may well have been the silver lining of the civil war, but the brutal years prevented the implementation of several severe infrastructure breaks, as did the inefficiency and corruption of the post-war years. Since the early 2000s, activists and professional planners mobilized against the implementation of several road projects that would cut through historical neighborhoods. Other road projects were suspended because of budget deficits. Many of the areas earmarked for road-related expropriation remain on hold, their dwellers unable to repair or upgrade their homes and property holders are prevented from redeveloping the lots they own. Many dwellers have received partial or no compensation and have lived for decades under the threat of eviction. In these areas, dilapidated physical conditions have reflected the anxious anticipation of demolition and displacement, while many residents hold on to the possibility of staying in neighborhoods and/or homes that hold the wealth of personal and communal memories.

Tip: Click one of the orange titles below to see the project on the map. Click the title again to return to the initial view.

The Fouad Boutros Throughway is a road section that links the Beirut Peripheral Highway to the North Lebanon highway, cutting through the residential neighborhoods of Geitawi and Mar Mikhael. The road design was approved in the late 1960s, the property was expropriated in the early 1970s. About twenty-five houses and multi-story residential buildings are directly affected by the highway trajectory. These buildings include several units developed incrementally on municipal property by squatters who have occupied them at least since the 1980s, when they arrived as war-displaced populations. Other buildings along the highway had been expropriated and property owners have received monetary compensation in 1974 and were forced out. Today, the buildings are partially occupied. Some of the residents claim that they are old tenants entitled to eviction compensation, others are subletting units from self-declared landlords. At the time of the Beirut port blast in August 2020, many of the buildings along the highway trajectory stood dilapidated. These buildings were severely affected by the explosion. Many hold important heritage value, in contrast to the recent commercial developments that tower over the neighborhood.

The Petro Trad Road was planned in the context of the 1963 Master plan of Beirut and its suburbs. The road was intended to act as a service road that links the George Haddad street on the eastern side of Beirut’s historic core to the international Damascus Road. The road cuts through 50 lots, of which 10 at least have classified houses and villas with unique heritage features (Tarraf, 2014). Two sections of the highway were implemented during the 1990s. The implemented road sections bulldozed several residential buildings. The road passage also paved the way for large-scale real-estate development in the remaining lots on Sodeco Square. The unimplemented road segment goes through residential buildings, two cemeteries, and several renovated heritage buildings.

An unimplemented planned road in a neighborhood called Hayy el-Tamlis has threatened neighborhood residents with displacement since its approval as part of the 1960s road plan of Beirut. The road cuts through 36 lots where all building activities and repair have been on hold for decades given the looming threat of road development. Yet the road was never implemented, owing to residents’ resistance and state neglect. Today, the buildings along the planned road are severely dilapidated. Aside from the uncertainty generated by potential road development, the area has fallen prey to territorial in-fighting among strongmen affiliated to different political parties in the area. Violent clashes have been recorded on multiple occasions over the past decade, exacerbating difficult living conditions for the neighborhood’s residents.

Zaroub Abla is a narrow artery where the Municipality of Beirut is said to have planned a road widening and throughway intervention in the early years of the 1970s. In June 2000, the municipality proceeded with implementation, expropriating a few lots where houses blocked the road partially, while others were earmarked for later execution. The proposed road cuts through 7 lots, all of which have small houses, and it requires the full demolition of at least a few of these houses. The project execution was halted in the Summer of 2000, when the families who inhabit these homes received eviction notices. As Beiruti families who were born and raised in the neighborhood, the families refused to leave their homes. They stood firm in front of the bulldozers and eventually forced the Municipality to put the project on hold. Aside from an outdoor structure recently developed by neighborhood strongmen who gather daily in the area, all building activities have been on hold for several decades. This includes numerous houses whose residents reside in derelict conditions due to the imposed municipal restrictions on repair.

The neighborhood of Zaroub el-Illeyeh is a cluster of 10 dilapidated buildings. Since the 1960s, the dense neighborhood has been the site of multiple planning interventions that seek to facilitate vehicular circulation across the area. The first road was completed in 1970, as evidenced by the expropriation notices and the marked betterment contributions on the property records. The second road was approved during the civil war in 1977, but it was only partially executed. The planned road cuts through 11 lots, each of which holds several housing units (e.g., individual houses, multi-story buildings, and shelters). The Municipality of Beirut still perceives the approved road plan as priority, hence renewing the project approval in 2015, and extending the expropriation notices for another decade.

4/4 | Buildings Affected by the Beirut Port Blast (Aug. 4 th , 2020)

Tip: Click the icon on the bottom left corner of the map to view the legend.

The Beirut port blast that rocked the city on August 4 th , 2020 left the city devastated. Aside from the hundreds of deaths and thousands of wounded individuals, more than a third of Beirut’s buildings were affected by the explosion ( The World Bank , 2022). Several surveys sought to reflect the extent of damage in order to help assess the costs and articulate recovery strategies ( Beirut Urban Lab , 2021). Of those, we cross on this map the developed by the Rice University’s Spatial Studies Lab based on  NASA ’s remote sensing visuals with the outcomes of three conducted by the Order of Engineers and Architects in Beirut, the Lebanese Red Cross (LRC), and the  Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture  at the American University of Beirut.

Tip: Click one of the orange terms in the above paragraph to see it on the map. Click it again to return to the initial view.

Research conducted in the context of Beirut’s  Post-Blast Observatory  has shown that the repair of these units has moved at a differing pace. Several factors explain this discrepancy. For example, many of the buildings claimed by absentee owners and/or investors still stand unrepaired. In addition, buildings holding heritage value are slower to repair (costly, and need expertise) as are those with structural damage (for similar reasons). Numerous high end buildings also await insurance payments before they can be repaired.

Switch between city-scale layers using these buttons:

Study-up Cases of Identified Precarity

The cases of precarity identified on this map were selected through random field visits across Beirut’s neighborhoods where we noted signs of extreme physical dilapidation. The first step was to take stock of as many cases as possible. In each neighborhood, we identified at least one cluster which was inhabited predominantly by refugees and migrant workers and/or showing extreme signs of physical dilapidation. We also relied on news platforms and neighborhood key informants to identify cases widely recognized as “in trouble”. We then attempted to locate and analyze all these cases in relation to the above-listed city-wide patterns of precarity. This analysis led to the third step of in-depth investigations of cases profiled in detail on this platform.

Each of the above layers reflects a process of urban development that was identified as exacerbating housing precarity in Beirut. The snapshots presented on this portal allow further in-depth investigation of these processes, which often overlap and intersect in the city, along with other processes generated by public policy or social practices, in order to exacerbate uncertainty and the difficulty of everyday living conditions for lower and middle classes. Scroll down to see how these processes overlap.

Tip: Click the icon in the lower left corner to view the map layers and legend.

Selecting the Housing Snapshots

The cases selected for in-depth study identify precarious housing conditions that have relevance beyond the individual case and allow for a deeper analysis of the production of urban precarity. Each of the cases was weaved through detailed documentation of the events that surround the historical and contemporary transformations of the site, including the collection of peoples’ narratives and the analysis of ownership patterns through property titles. This platform is an open-ended space that seeks to host additional case studies, in view of building a narrative of ongoing urban precarization in Beirut.

Housing Snapshots: Overview

Tip: Click on a blue pin or select a case from the list in the right side-bar to read the description and see it up close on the map. Some case studies have detailed stories: click on "Learn more about this case" to read the detailed story, or X to go back to list view.

Ras el-Nabaa Building M

Ras el-Nabaa Building M. Click to expand.

Over 30 apartments are fully occupied by vulnerable households. The owners of the building, who belong to an affluent Lebanese family, do not live in the building. Their goal is to evict the old tenants and benefit from the remaining units by renting them out without formal contracts.

Bachoura Cluster D

Bachoura Cluster D. Click to expand.

This cluster meshes together an eclectic fabric of buildings, residents, and property claimants with conflicting interests and visions.

Aicha Bakkar Cluster Z

Aicha Bakkar Cluster Z. Click to expand.

Forty year-old expropriation marks recorded on property titles in this cluster prevented owners from fixing, upgrading, or selling their properties. As they fall into decrepitude, the buildings are also torn by multiple property conflicts and prey to development interests.

Hadjin Cluster D

Hadjin Cluster D. Click to expand.

Colluding real-estate developers threaten the residents of a crumbling quarter made of six severely dilapidated buildings and a vacant lot. The cluster is located in the neighborhood of Badawi, within an area known as Nor Hadjin (Camp Hajine).

Badawi Cluster M

Badawi Cluster M. Click to expand.

A 6,000m2 lot hosts over 40 buildings that have accommodated about 100 households for at least 6 decades. The 3-4 story apartment buildings were incrementally developed, largely in violation of property, zoning and building codes, resulting in several cases of informal and unrecorded transactions of homes and building structures.

Bachoura Building K

Bachoura Building K. Click to expand.

An eight-floor apartment building in Bachoura stands in poor condition on a 917sqm lot, with dilapidated facades, breaking down water pipes, crowded electricity wires, and several broken windows and balcony sills. Despite the battered appearance, the 50+ apartments are fully occupied.

Bachoura Cluster R

Bachoura Cluster R. Click to expand.

The cluster houses subletters-turned-squatters who are at risk of eviction. As part of the master plan drawn for Beirut’s Digital District, the two buildings have been purchased by real-estate businessmen and children of politicians who plan to demolish them despite these buildings’ prominent heritage features.

Hadjin Cluster S

Hadjin Cluster S. Click to expand.

This cluster of five buildings is located in the neighborhood of Badawi, within an area known as Camp Hajine (or Nor Hadjin). It is an early case of competing real-estate interests driven by insiders to the neighborhood looking to diversify their business in real-estate development. 

Badawi Cluster G

Badawi Cluster G. Click to expand.

All lots except for one have been purchased by a well-politically-connected real-estate development family business in a short period of time. The developer's scheme puts all residents under threat of eviction, despite an ongoing lawsuit from 5 banks in 2018 to take over the largest lot on the block.

Sioufi Building Z

Sioufi Building Z. Click to expand.

This is a two-story building located at the southern edge of Hayy el-Siryaan. Although it is highly dilapidated, the building houses more than 40 tenants who live in overcrowded rooms. Aside from the harassment of the landlord and hefty service bills, non-Lebanese tenants struggle with the permanent threat of eviction.

Badawi Building S

Badawi Building S. Click to expand.

Formerly an old tenant in the building, an aspiring real-estate developer hoped to replace the edifice with a high-end development. His plans are resisted by his neighbors who own shares in the property or are protected by old rental contracts, at least until 2026.

Hikmeh Cluster B

Hikmeh Cluster B. Click to expand.

A cluster of eight buildings falls along the trajectory of the Fouad Boutros Highway, an unimplemented project from the 1970s. The cluster includes squatted, dilapidated and abandoned buildings, a mixed-use building, and vacant parcels. It also includes a thick landscape of greenery and unique ecological attributes.

Hamra Cluster I

Hamra Cluster I. Click to expand.

Five residential low-rise buildings stand on a cluster of five lots in Ras Beirut. The five buildings are in a dilapidated condition with complex ownership patterns affecting negotiations in which long-term owners and tenants resist displacement, property claimants disagree about the fate of their family inheritance, and predatory developers approach the low-rise buildings as a seductive opportunity for lucrative profit.

Ain El Mreisseh Cluster D

Ain El Mreisseh Cluster D. Click to expand.

In Ain El Mreisseh, two contiguous clusters owned by four families have fallen prey to real-estate interests. The buildings in the cluster were developed through the 1930-1960s and reflect multiple phases of the neighborhood development. Driven by the aspiration to capitalize on real-estate interests in the neighbourhood, the owners of the lots in the cluster have condemned the cluster to slow destruction.

Ain El Mreisseh Cluster S

Ain El Mreisseh Cluster S. Click to expand.

A cluster of dilapidated six buildings built before 1950 stands out in today’s rapidly transforming neighborhood of Ain al Mreisseh. Located at the heart of Ain el Mreisseh, the cluster is surrounded by high-end towers developed over the past decade. Thes owners have initiated multiple failed attempts to sell their plots to developers over the past thirty years. These circumstances leave the future uncertain, particularly for the tenants who have lived in these buildings for over sixty years.

Wizarat Al Iqtissad

Wizarat Al Iqtissad. Click to expand.

This large-scale modern building was originally intended to be a furnished apartment complex housing short-term business visitors and tourists in the Beirut of the 1960s. Decades later, things have drastically changed.

Ras el-Nabaa Building M

Over 30 apartments are fully occupied by vulnerable households. The owners of the building, who belong to an affluent Lebanese family, do not live in the building. Their goal is to evict the old tenants and benefit from the remaining units by renting them out without formal contracts.

Bachoura Cluster D

This cluster meshes together an eclectic fabric of buildings, residents, and property claimants with conflicting interests and visions.

Aicha Bakkar Cluster Z

Forty year-old expropriation marks recorded on property titles in this cluster prevented owners from fixing, upgrading, or selling their properties. As they fall into decrepitude, the buildings are also torn by multiple property conflicts and prey to development interests.

Hadjin Cluster D

Colluding real-estate developers threaten the residents of a crumbling quarter made of six severely dilapidated buildings and a vacant lot. The cluster is located in the neighborhood of Badawi, within an area known as Nor Hadjin (Camp Hajine).

Badawi Cluster M

A 6,000m2 lot hosts over 40 buildings that have accommodated about 100 households for at least 6 decades. The 3-4 story apartment buildings were incrementally developed, largely in violation of property, zoning and building codes, resulting in several cases of informal and unrecorded transactions of homes and building structures. 

Bachoura Building K

An eight-floor apartment building in Bachoura stands in poor condition on a 917sqm lot, with dilapidated facades, breaking down water pipes, crowded electricity wires, and several broken windows and balcony sills. Despite the battered appearance, the 50+ apartments are fully occupied.

Bachoura Cluster R

The cluster houses subletters-turned-squatters who are at risk of eviction. As part of the master plan drawn for Beirut’s Digital District, the two buildings have been purchased by real-estate businessmen and children of politicians who plan to demolish them despite these buildings’ prominent heritage features.

Hadjin Cluster S

This cluster of five buildings is located in the neighborhood of Badawi, within an area known as Camp Hajine (or Nor Hadjin). It is an early case of competing real-estate interests driven by insiders to the neighborhood looking to diversify their business in real-estate development. 

Badawi Cluster G

All lots except for one have been purchased by a well-politically-connected real-estate development family business in a short period of time. The developer's scheme puts all residents under threat of eviction, despite an ongoing lawsuit from 5 banks in 2018 to take over the largest lot on the block.

Sioufi Building Z

This is a two-story building located at the southern edge of Hayy el-Siryaan. Although it is highly dilapidated, the building houses more than 40 tenants who live in overcrowded rooms. Aside from the harassment of the landlord and hefty service bills, non-Lebanese tenants struggle with the permanent threat of eviction.

Badawi Building S

Formerly an old tenant in the building, an aspiring real-estate developer hoped to replace the edifice with a high-end development. His plans are resisted by his neighbors who own shares in the property or are protected by old rental contracts, at least until 2026.

Hikmeh Cluster B

A cluster of eight buildings falls along the trajectory of the Fouad Boutros Highway, an unimplemented project from the 1970s. The cluster includes squatted, dilapidated and abandoned buildings, a mixed-use building, and vacant parcels. It also includes a thick landscape of greenery and unique ecological attributes.

Hamra Cluster I

Five residential low-rise buildings stand on a cluster of five lots in Ras Beirut. The five buildings are in a dilapidated condition with complex ownership patterns affecting negotiations in which long-term owners and tenants resist displacement, property claimants disagree about the fate of their family inheritance, and predatory developers approach the low-rise buildings as a seductive opportunity for lucrative profit.

Ain El Mreisseh Cluster D

In Ain El Mreisseh, two contiguous clusters owned by four families have fallen prey to real-estate interests. The buildings in the cluster were developed through the 1930-1960s and reflect multiple phases of the neighborhood development. Driven by the aspiration to capitalize on real-estate interests in the neighbourhood, the owners of the lots in the cluster have condemned the cluster to slow destruction.

Ain El Mreisseh Cluster S

A cluster of dilapidated six buildings built before 1950 stands out in today’s rapidly transforming neighborhood of Ain al Mreisseh. Located at the heart of Ain el Mreisseh, the cluster is surrounded by high-end towers developed over the past decade. Thes owners have initiated multiple failed attempts to sell their plots to developers over the past thirty years. These circumstances leave the future uncertain, particularly for the tenants who have lived in these buildings for over sixty years.

Wizarat Al Iqtissad

This large-scale modern building was originally intended to be a furnished apartment complex housing short-term business visitors and tourists in the Beirut of the 1960s. Decades later, things have drastically changed.


This story map is part of the  Precarious Homes: Housing Uncertainties in Beirut  research project, and is derived from research conducted at the  Beirut Urban Lab  in the American University of Beirut.

This project is funded by the Ford Foundation.

Core Research

Mona Fawaz (Lead), Soha Mneimneh (Coordination), Hayfaa Abou Ibrahim

Design & Visualization

Monica Basbous, Ahmad Gharbieh

Data Collection & Analysis

Abir Zaatari, Lynn Hamdar, Fatima Alleik


Shareef Tarhini, Jawad Choueib

Visualization Support

Hayes Buchanan, Abir Cheaitli

Arabic Translation

Zeina el-Hoss

Arabic Editing and Correction

Viviane Akiki