ARSC: Arizona Remote Sensing Center

The Arizona Remote Sensing Center (ARSC) was established in 1972 and since its inception, ARSC has worked on a wide range of international, national, regional, and local projects. These involve advanced airborne and satellite remote sensing data and other geospatial information technologies to help address both fundamental and applied issues in natural resource management. ARSC’s mission is to employ remote sensing and geospatial technologies to solve natural, agricultural, and cultural resource problems in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. This mission involves both basic and applied research in support of the operational application of geospatial technologies and their extension to stakeholders, the integration of field and remote sensing data and analysis, modeling of coupled human and natural systems, and the deployment of decision support systems.

The primary activities of the center focus on research supported by research contracts and grants to develop and apply remote sensing and GIS technologies to problems in agriculture, natural resource management, and the environment. ARSC develops and maintains a number of scientific websites in response to a large demand for information and data and the need to integrate computer technology into decision support. ARSC is also dedicated to providing graduate and undergraduate students with the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills in remote sensing and geospatial analysis. ARSC research projects are staffed by students from a variety of campus Departments including: the    Arid Lands Resource Sciences  Ph.D. Program,  Electrical and Computer Engineering ,  the School of Geography and Development ,  Geosciences ,  Hydrology and Water Resources,  Management Information Systems , as well as the  School of Natural Resources and the Environment .

For more information contact:

 Willem J.D. van Leeuwen, Ph.D.

Director Arizona Remote Sensing Center 

Environment and Natural Resources 2

1064 East Lowell Street

Tucson, AZ 85721


Click the button below to view some of our most recent publications.


SnowView: A Satellite Data and Model Driven Decision Support Tool for monitoring snowpack, precipitation, and streamflow.


Cultural Resources Vulnerability Assessment Tool (CREVAT)


Classifying Vegetation in the Lower Gila River via the Fusion of LiDAR, Multispectral and UAV Image Data to Inform Riparian Habitat Restoration


Landscape Dynamics in an Iconic Watershed of Northwestern Mexico: Vegetation Condition Insights Using Landsat and PlanetScope Data


Assessing Vegetation Response to Multi-Scalar Drought across the Mojave, Sonoran, Chihuahuan Deserts and Apache Highlands in the Southwest United States


UAS Based Technology Applications in Pecan Orchards


Trends and ENSO/AAO Driven Variability in NDVI Derived Productivity and Phenology alongside the Andes Mountains


Fusion of High Resolution Aerial Multispectral and LiDAR Data: Land Cover in the Context of Urban Mosquito Habitat


Spatial, Temporal, and Density-Dependent Components of Habitat Quality for a Desert Owl