Severe Weather Geospatial Resources
A continually updated resource for available open data, apps and tips for using geospatial while in Severe Weather Responses
Terms of Use
In using this page you understand that this is a resource that is unofficial and catalogues publicly available resources. Check with your local civil defence group, or agency before using any of the resources shown below.
For technical assistance from Eagle Technology, email
How To Use
This is a one-stop shop of readily available geospatial information for use in severe weather responses.
Each of the information categories has each dataset previewed, with a brief explanation and links, that you can use to add to your maps.
Have a dataset that is public and should be added? Send to
Environmental Data/ Apps
Click the arrows on either side of the image to navigate
Lifelines Data/ Apps
Click the arrows on either side of the image to navigate
Social Data/ Apps
Click the arrows on either side of the image to navigate
Response Tips
Click the button below to go to a resource that distills wisdom from previous responses as a GIS Asset, to help you thrive when in the hot seat!
Technical Tips
What is listed below has evolved from previous responses, consider them a guide - not a rule!
- When creating your maps, remember layer order is important! Stack your point layers on top, then lines, with polygons beneath (unless these are alert areas - stack these on top)
- Rename the layer in your web map layer list (shorter names, consider a prefix "Base Data - XXXXX")
- Apply transparency for any polygon and raster Layers
- Change the symbols, and ask for feedback from those using it on what they need
- Use filters where for your datasets
- Change popups from the default
- Change the basemap, and ask for feedback from those using it on what they need
- Consider a 3D scene for some displays
- Less is more, consider another map if it becoming too busy
- If the user is just viewing data - consider a dashboard
- Less is more, consider another app if there are too many widgets
- When you scale up, lots of apps are going to be built. Considering embedding them all within a storymap, hub site or an experience builder app to provide a single URL to remember for all geospatial information!
Thank you for visiting this resource, any questions (or suggestions), email